Page:Macfadden's Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise.djvu/225

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Strength from Eating
What to Eat and Drink. How to Eat and Drink. When to Eat and Drink
By Bernarr Macfadden


Chapter I—APPETITE. How to Acquire a Normal Appetite.

Chapter II—MASTICATION. Importance of Proper Mastication.

Chapter III—PROCESS OF DIGESTION. How Nourishment is Absorbed—(Illustrated ).

Chapter IV—AIR. Air a Food—Erroneous Ideas Concerning Draughts and Colds—Colds Cured.

Chapter V—THREE-MEAL PLAN. How Three Meals Dally Can be Eaten Without Injury.

Chapter VI—TWO-MEAL PLAN. Why This Method is Usually Best—Some Personal Experiences.

Chapter VII—ONE-MEAL PLAN—This Method Discussed—Its Advantage in Disease.

Chapter VIII—WATER. Necessity of Pure Water—Distilled and Filtered Water.

Chapter IX—MEAT OR MIXED DIET. Meat Lessens Endurance—Experiments with Meat Diet.

Chapter X—VEGETARIAN DIET. Advantages Considered from an Unprejudiced Standpoint.

Chapter XI—RAW DIET. Experiments Proving That Raw Food Furnishes More Nourishment Than Cooked.

Chapter XII—COOKING OF FOODS. Most Foods Cooked Too Much—Other Errors in Cooking.

Chapter XIII—HEALTH FOODS. Some Sensible Remarks About So-called Health Foods.

Chapter XIV—FOOD AND OCCUPATION. Brain-worker's Needs—The Athlete and Manual Worker.

Chapter XV—FOOD AND TEMPERATURE. Needs of the Body Vary With Temperature.

Chapter XVI—OVER-EATING. Far Worse Evil Than the Alcohol Curse.

Chapter XVII—ALCOHOL LIQUORS. False Feeling of Strength Produced.

Chapter XVIII—DRINKING AT MEALS. Desire for Liquid Caused by Deficient Mastication.

Chapter XIX—ICE WATER. Seriously Injures Stomach—How Water May be Cooled Without Ice

Chapter XX—COFFEE AND TEA. Nothing but Stimulants—Causes as Much Injury as Alcohol

Chapter XXI—WHITE BREAD CURSE. Its Destructive Effects on Health and Strength.

Chapter XXII—ELEMENTS OF FOODS. Location and Process of Taste.


Price, postpaid, $1.00.


Physical Culture City, Spotswood P. O , N. J.

Physical Culture Publishing Co.
New York City.