Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/463

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drinkmg system of employment. He was also for ten years Senior Member of the Executive Com- mittee of the Working Men's Col- lege in London, and he took a leading part in the organisation of the College work. He taught in the College regularly every term for above ten years, and was for a like period a Captain in their Vo- lunteer Corps. He is still President of their Boat Club. Mr. Fumivall has edited a large number of books, mostly printed under the auspices of the above-mentioned Societies, or of the Roxburghe Club. Among them are : — " Saint Qraal, the His- tory of the Holy Grail, in English verse, by Henry Lonelich (a.d. 1440), with its original, the Old- French prose, Histoire del Saint Qraal," 2 vols., 1861-63 ; " Eoberde of Brunne*8 * Handlyng Synne' (on the Sins of England, with Legends, a.d. 1303), and the Old- French Poem, on which it is founded," 1862; "Walter Map's 'Queste del Saint Graal,'" 1864 j -"Political, Religious, and Love Poems," 1866 ; " The Book of Quinte Essence," 1866; "Bishop Percy's Folio MS. of Ballads and Romances " (edited jointly with Mr. J.W.Hales), 2 vols., with 2 parts of humorous songs, 1867-68 ; " Ballads from Ma- nuscripts on the Condition of Tudor England, 1520-50," 2 vols., 1868-72 ; " Caxton's Book of Curteseye," 1868 ; " A Six-Text Print of Chau- cer's Canterbury Tales, from the MSS. of Lord EUesmere, Lord Le- confield, Mr. W. E. W. Wynne of Peniarth, the Cambridge University Library, Corpus Chnsti College, Oxford, and the British Museum," 7 parts, 1868-75 ; " The Succession of Shakspere's Works," an intro- duction toGervinus's Commentaries, 1874; "Thynne's Animadversions on Speght's Edition of Chaucer's Works, with large additions," 1875 ; " Parallel Edition of Chaucer's Mi- nor Poems;" "Parallel-Text Edi- tion of Chaucer's Troilus and Ore- seyde;" "Facsimiles of Quartos 1

and 2 of HanUet," and the t\ Quartos of " The Merchant of J nice ;" " William Harrison's I scription of England," 1677-8 " Phillip Hubbin's Anatomy of t Abuses inEngland,"1583,bothpar " The Digby Mysteries ;" the " I troduction to the Leopold Shs spere ; " " Tom Tell-Truth," &c. ; " Bibliography of RobertBrowninj and has in the press "Robert Brunne's Chronicle." 1338; ai " William Goddard'sThree Satirei

GACHARD, Louis Pbospbb, historical writer, born at Paris, O 12, 1800, was brought up as a pn tical printer, and settled in Belgiu where he associated himself wi the movement for independent and was naturalised in 1831. . the same time he was appoint Keeper of the PubUc Records Belgium, and since that time has been frequently commission by the Government to search z tional and foreign libraries for do< ments illustrative of the histo and antiquities of Belgium. ] G^hard, who is a member of t Academy of Brussels, and Secreta of the Historical Commission, h published "Analeotes Belgiquet 1830; "Rapports sur les produ de I'lndustrie Beige," 1835; " Doc ments Politiques et Diplomatiqi] sur la Revolution Beige de 179( 1843 ; " Documents In^ts," 3 vol 1845 ; " Extraits des Registres 6 Consaux de Toumay," 1846 ; " I lation des Troubles de Gamd so Charles-Quint," 1846 ; " M6moi] sur les BoUandistes et leurs Ti vaux, depuis 1773 jusqu'en 178S 1847 i " Inventaire des Archives < Royaume," 1848 ; " Correspondai: de Guillaume le Tacitwme," vols., 1851-59 J " Correspondaace Charles-Quint et d'Adrien VI 1859 ; " Don Carlos et Philippe II 2 vols., 1863; "Actes des Eti Gcn^raux des Pays-Bas, 1576