Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/923

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the late Mr. James Pyne, born in 1832, was at a very early age the pupil of Sir George Smart, and made her first appearance about 1842. She sang in Paris with great success in 1847, appeared in opera in 1849, performed at the Koyal Italian Opera in 1851, and visited the United States, where she was enthusiastically received in 1854. After an absence of three years she retiuned to her native land, and was, in conjimction with Mr. Harri- son, joint lessee for a short seafion of the Lyceum and Drury Lane, and from 1858 till 1862 of Covent Garden Theatre. The enterprise having failed. Miss Louisa Pyne transferred her services to Her Majesty's Theatre, and has fre- quently performed at Her Majesty's Concerts at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. She is mar- ried to Mr. Frank fiodda, but re- tains her maiden name on the stage.

QUATEEFAGES DE BEEAU, Jean Louis Abmand de, born at Vallerauge (Gard), France, Feb. 10, 1810, of a Protestant family, com- pleted his education at Strasburg, where he took the degree of M.D., and began to write on subjects of natural philosophy as early as 1829. In 1839 he was called to the chair of Zoology at Toulouse, but soon resigned that appointment and went to Paris. In 1842, and after having travelled round the coasts of Italy and Sicily, he contributed some papers on natural history to the Bivue des Deux Mondes, repub- lished in 1854 under the title of

  • ' Souvenirs d'un Naturaliste." He

was nominated Professor of Natural History in the Lyc^e Napoleon in 1850, was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences April 26, 1852^ was nominated a Che- valier of the Legion of Honour April 26, 1845, was called to the chair of Anatomy and Eth-

nology in the Museum of Natural History at Paris in 1855, and was promoted Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour Aug. 14, 1863. One of his latest works has been translated into English by Isabella Innes, under the title of *' The Prussian Bace Ethnologically Con- sidered," to which is appended, '* Some Account of the Bombard- ment of the Museum of Natural History by the Prussians in Jan., 1871," London, 1872. He has since published ** L'Espece Humaine.*' 1877.

QUEBEC, Bishop of. (See Wil- liams, Db.)

QUEENSLAND (North) ,Bishop OF. (See Stanton.)

QUESTEL, Charles Auguste, architect, born at Paris, Sept, 18, 1807, studied in the itoole dee Beaux Arts from 1823 to 1828, £nd ten years later, after a competition which had been commenced in 1835, his plans for the new catliedral at Nimes were adopted, and then carried out imder his superintend- ence. He also designed the great fountains on the Esplanade in ihe I same city. As architect to the Com- mission on Historical Monuments, he brought to light and sketched the Amphitheatre of Aries, with a plan for its restoration ; and also, in conjunction with M. Laisn^, the Pont du Gard. All these designs were exhibited at the Paris Uni- versal Exposition of 1855. Having been appointed architect of the chiteaux of YerEailles and Trianon, M. Questel made arrangements for the f^tes in Aug., 1855, on the occa- sion of the visit of the Queen, Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Royal. He after- wards served on the Council on Public Buildings, and became Pro- fessor in the ]^le des Beaux Arts, and Director of the Studio which was formerly M. Gilbert's. M. Questel, who had been created in 1863 an Officer of the Legion of Honour, was elected a titulary Member of the Section of Architec-