Page:Our Sister Republic - Mexico.djvu/16

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Country—Mr. Seward's Palanquin—Magnificent Scenery—Dinner with Gov. Vega at Tornila—The great Volcano of Colima—The Foot-Hills of the Sierra Madre—Tortilla Makers—Our Escort—The Guard of Jalisco on the March—Hacienda de San Marcos—Wild Night Scene—The Cavalcade by Torch Light—Great Barranca de Beltran—Fate of Gen. Arteaga—Historic Ground—Passage of the last of the Barrancas—Atenquiqui—An Indian Runner—Commerce of the Road—Crossing the Sierra Madre—Zapotlan—Soap-Factories—"Going the whole Hog"—A Mexican Wedding Party—Floral Decorations—Anecdote of Rojas—A Monopoly of Crime—How Local Revolutions are Managed—Victims of the Pronunciamentos,


Under a Cloud—Saints, Festivities and Bull-Fights—Wayside Crosses—A Land of Brigands, Plagiaros and Blood—Wholesale Shooting of Outlaws—A Magnificent Valley—Our Welcome at Seyula—Visit to the Public Schools—Interesting School Exhibition—Sunday Evening Ball—Mexican Beauties—The Birds of the Tropics—Indian Villages—Reception at Zacoalco—Battle Field of La Coronea—Defeat of the Imperialists—General Martinez—A terrible Pun—A Mexican Fonda and Mexican Cooking—Great Sugar Hacienda del Plan—Strange Sights on the Road—Kneeling Men and Women—The Century Plant—Tequila and its Effects—A Swell-Head—First View of Guadalajara—Reception and Entrance into the City—Guadalajara by Moonlight—The Old, Old Song,


Churches of Guadalajara—A Retreat from the World—The Music of Bells—The Great Cathedral—A Magnificent Altar—Paintings and Statuary—Strange Superstitions—Well-preserved Bishops—Great Hospital of San Miguel de Belan—Sisters of Charity—The Hospicio of Guadalajara and its Sixteen Hundred Inmates—The Chapel of the Hospicio—Public Schools of Jalisco—Girl's and Boy's High School—Library of Thirty Thousand old Books—School of Useful Arts—Musical Talent—Primary Schools—Beautiful Embroidery—The great Cemeterio de Bethlem—The Paseo de San Pedro—"A Pleasant Place to Visit"—Insecurity of Life and Property—A strange State of Society—Indian Embroiderers—Indian Statuary Makers of Tonila—Cotton Factories—The Theatre and Opera House—Sunday Bull-Fight—The Programme—The Amphitheatre—A Quiet Bull and his Fate—A Cowardly Bull—Enraged Audience—A Game-fellow—Lively Times—The Bull-Riders—The Bones of the Dead Past—Farewell Banquet to Mr. Seward—Eloquent Addreses—The Belles of Guadalajara,