Page:Our Sister Republic - Mexico.djvu/19

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View from the Verandah of Chapultepec—Molina del Rey, Contreras and Churubusco—The Alameda of Mexico,


Revelings in the Halls of the Montezumas—Dinner at the House of Señor Lerdo—Toasts in Honor of President Grant—Address by Mr. Seward—Grand Banquet at the Palacio Nacional—What Was Said and Done There—An Era of Good Feeling—Speech by President Juarez—Speech by U. S. Minister Nelson—Mr. Lerdo's Response—Mr. Seward's Address—Altamerano the Indian Orator and His Eloquence—The Great Speech of the Occasion—Other Speeches and Toasts—Improvisional Poetry,


Excursion up the Grand Canal—A Small Water Party—A Jolly Time All Around—Picnic at an Indian Village—An Exciting Scene on the Return Trip—Free Baths and no End of Fun—Circus in an Old Convent—Opera and Theatre—Grand Closing Ball and Banquet—The Most Brilliant Scene Witnessed in America—Toasts and Speeches—The Darien Ship-Canal—Don Benito Juarez—His Personal Appearance and Characteristics—Curious Tradition and Coincidences—View of the Valley from Tacubaya,


Amid the Ruins of Empires—Behind the Scenes after the Play—Plunder from the Palace of Chapultepec—The "Theatrical Effects" Imported by Maximilian—His Carriages, Pictures, Plate, and Household Wardrobe—The Farce He Played in—Court Costumes and Imperial Decorations—His Gold and Silver Plate—His State Carriage and Billiard Tables—Maximilian's Court and Empire—His Fatal Mistake—The Archives of Mexico—Maximilian's Arrival in Mexico—The Mask Removed—The Black Flag Decree—The Apologists of Maximilian—The Records of the Empire and What They Prove—The Victims of the Black Flag Decree—Letters written by Generals Arteaga and Salazar just before Their Execution—Remonstrance of the Belgians—Aztec Relics—The Great Sacrifical Stone, etc.—A City Under a City—American Origin of the Aztecs—The House of Hernando Cortez—National Monte de Piedad of Mexico—The Model Pawnbroker's Shop of the World—Five Millions Dollars Worth of Jewels and Plate in one Room—The Sword of General Valencia and Jewels of Isabella the Catholic, on Pawn—A Commentary on Human Pride and Ambition,