Index 723 Mayor of the Palace, 369 Mazarin (ma za ran'), 68 1 Mazda, 94 Maz'da ka, 93 Mecca, 358, 359; pilgrimage to, 361 Medes, So, 89, 92 f., 96 f. Medes and Persians, 89, 92 f. Medici (med'e che), the, 522 Medicine, 44, 193 Medina, 359, 364 Mediterranean world, geography and products of, iii ff. ; the western, 241 ff. ; in Roman Em- pire, 282 ff. ; orientalization of, 3ioff. Medo-Persian Empire, 86 ff. Me dum', 25 Meg'a ra, 155 Melanchthon (me langk'thon), 602 Memphis, 226 Mendicant orders, 484 f. Menes (me'nez), 31 Mer'cu ry, 84, 251 Merovin'gian line, 328, 369 note Mer'sen, Treaty of, 381, 439 Metal, age of, 14, 24ff. ; in Europe, ii4ff. Me'ton, 193 Michael Angelo, (mi^kel an'je 16), Middle Ages, meaning of term, 316 f. ; character of, 332 Middle Stone Age. See Stone Age Mil'an, 454, 571, 572; despots of, 521 Mi le'tus, 159, 167 Mil trades, i68f. Minnesingers, 540 f. Miracles, frequency of, in Middle Ages, 336 f. Missions of Jesuits, 623 f. Mith'ras, 94, 100 f., 298 Mit y le'ne, 159, 198 f. Mnesicles (ne'sik lez), 186, 188 Model Parliament, 421 Modern inventions, 549 ff. Modern languages, 533 ff. Moham'med, 94, 358 f. Mohammedan conquests. See Ara- bic conquests Mohammedanism, 359 ff. Mohammedans, 358 ff. ; expelled from Spain, 375; in Sicily, 384 Monasteries, arrangement of, 35iff- ^ ^ Monasticism, attraction of, for many different classes, 348 f. Money, lack of, in Middle Ages, 383 ; replaces barter, 396, 399 Monies, 336; origin and distin- guished services of, 348 f. ; mis- sionary work of, 355 ff. Mon'te Cassino (kas se'no), found- ing of, 349 Moors, 368, 564 f. ; expelled from Spain, 566, 645 More, Sir Thomas, 608, 612 Moses, 102 Mosque, 363 Myc'a le, 177 Mycenae (ml se'ne), 123 Mycenaean Age, 123 Mysteries of Eleusis(e lu'sis), 160, 162 Nahum, 79 Nantes (nants), Edict of, 638 Naples, kingdom of, 568 note, 571 Napoleon of Egypt.. See Thut- mose III Na ram-Sin', 65 Nase'by, battle of, 669 National Covenant, 667 Natural boundaries of France, 649, 688 Nau'cra tis, 146 Navarre, 633 Navigation Act, 672 f. Ne ap'o lis, 147 Nebuchadnezzar, 69, 80 ff., 107 Neighborhood war in the Middle Ages, 401, 576 Ne mau'sus, 283 Ne nek he ptah', 41 Netherlands, revolt of the, 626 ff. ; Louis XIV's invasion of the, 689 Nezv Atlantis, 656 f. New Testament, 300 New York, 678 Nicaea (nl se'a), 461, 463, 465 Nicholas II, Pope, 445 Nicias (nish'i as), 199 ff.