Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 36.djvu/892

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Clark University. (Misc.) 717
Clarke, Miss Helen A. The Mental Bias of Witnesses. (Corr.) 120
Cobra's Bite, Effect of a. (Misc.) 861
Colorado River of Texas, The. (Misc.) 718
Comparative Mythology. A. D. White 433
Comparative Mythology. A. D. White 577
Consumption, Open-Air Travel for. (Misc.) 715
Cooking, The Art of.* Edward Atkinson 1
Co-operation, A Lesson in. C. N. Tousle 821
Correction, A. J. Jastrow. (Corr.) 409
Cotton Fiber, The. (Misc.) 574
Cotton Manufacture of the United States, The Future Situs of the.* Edward Atkinson 289
Country Life, Past and Present. (Misc.) 134
Creatures, Wild, of the Alps. (Misc.) 133
Cretaceous Inland Sea, The. (Misc.) 424
Crofter's Question, The. (Misc.) 138
Cyclopædias, Old. (Misc.) 277

Dana, James D. The Name Silurian in Geology. (Misc.) 276
Darwin, An Orthodox Compliment to. (Misc.) 425
Darwin on the Fuegians and Patagonians * 744
Davis, Charles S. Public Schools and Crime. (Corr.) 700
Deep-Sea Life, The Condition of. (Misc.) 285
Doctor and Patient in Ancient Hispaniola. (Misc.) 134
Domestic Economy, Science in. (Editor's Table) 123
Donald, J. T. Canadian Asbestus: Its Occurrence and Uses 526
Dragons, Fabled and Real.* M. Maindron 808
Dust essential to Fogs. (Misc.) 861
Duthiers, H. de Lacaze. Old and New Methods in Zoölogy 19
Dybowski, Jean. Chrysanthemums* 531
"The Rare Forms of Orchids* 359

Education, Is, opposed to Motherhood? Miss A. B. Tweedy 751
Ellis, A. B. The Indwelling Spirits of Men 794
"The Lucayan Indians. (Corr.) 701
Ether, Structure of the. (Misc.) 132
Ethics, Absolute Political. Herbert Spencer 608
Ethics and Religion. C. H. Toy 727
Every-day Science. (Editor's Table) 264
Evolution and Disease. (Misc.) 285
Example in Moral Teaching. (Editor's Table) 847
Exercise for Chest Development. F. Lagrange 522
Experimental Fields at Rothamstead. (Misc.) 429

Farming and the Tariff. J. R. Thurston. (Corr.) 408
Farming, Decadence of, in England. M. B. C. True. (Corr.) 553
Farming, The Decadence of. Joel Benton 27
Farwell, Willard B. New Phases of the Chinese Problem 181
Fastings, Long, and Starvation. C. Richet 538
Fernald, Frederik A. Concerning Shrews* 663
"Politics and Farm-Mortgages. (Corr.) 843