Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 39.djvu/891

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Miller, Mrs. Olive Thorne. The Spinning Sisterhood 822
Mining, Ancient, on Lake Superior. (Misc.) 860
Miracles and Medicine. A. D. White 1
Miracles and Medicine. A. D. White 145
Montillot, Louis. The Characteristics of Insects* 223
Moral Training, An Experiment in. M. V. Lee 50
Mosquito Inoculation against Yellow Fever. (Misc.) 275
Mound-builders' Structure, A Novel. (Misc.) 430
Mount St. Elias, Exploration of. (Misc.) 709
Mountain Ranges, A Classification of, according to their Structure, Origin, and Age. W. Upham 665
Murdoch, John. Eskimo Boats of the Northwest 682
Mushroom Growth, Force of. (Misc.) 575

Natchez Indians, The. H. A. Giddings 201
Navajo Burials. (Misc.) 711
Negroes, Savage, Deportment of. P. Reichard 330
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. A. D. White 1
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. A. D. White 145
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. A. D. White 433
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. A. D. White 600
Niagara Reservation. (Misc.) 862
Niesten, L. Astronomical Societies and Amateur Astronomers 813
North, S. N. Dexter. Evolution, The, of Wool Spinning and Weaving* 289
"Evolution, The, of the Woolen Manufacture* 454
"Manufacture of Wool,* The 176
Novels, Good and Bad. (Misc.) 427

Observatory Work at Harvard. (Misc.) 572
Ostrich Farm, Life on an* 778
Owens, John G. Some Games of the Zu?i* 39
Oyster-culture, Prof. Brooks's Studies in. (Misc.) 568

Parsons, Charles Lathrop. Our Agricultural Experiment Stations 348
Passamaquoddy Indians, Dances of the. (Misc.) 711
Patrick, G. T. W. Rivalry, The, of the Higher Senses 761
"Pearl of Practice, The." E. Robinson 238
Petroleum Fuels. (Misc.) 570
Photographs, Aniline. (Misc.) 571
Piccard, J. Views of Running Water* 645
Pie Idol, the Yankee, A Sacrifice to. (Misc.) 280
Pilgrim, Charles W., M. D. Schools for the Insane 634
Planets, The Minor, Questions concerning. F. F. Tisserand 195
Plants, Alpine, Cultivation of. (Misc.) 281
"Economic, of Australia. (Misc.) 717
Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Our Grandfathers died too Young 167
Pollen: its Development and Use.* J. F. James 330
Polyandry, On. A. B. Ellis 801
Population, Impediments to Growth of. (Misc.) 284
Porcelain, Firing, with Petroleum. (Misc.) 862
Potlatch, The Custom of. (Misc.) 137
Printing, The Art of, Guttenberg and. (Misc.) 283
Psychology, Höffding's Outlines of 382
Publications Received 136
Publications Received 273
Publications Received 422
Publications Received 566
Publications Received 708
Publications Received 855