Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/259

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  • 335>

Anno nono Edwardi HI. Stat. i. 213 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. b!es de fon Roialme & oppreffion de fon poeple par quei par le die noflxe Seignur le Roi de laffentdes ditz Prelatz Countes Barons h autres nobles de fon Roialme & les communes avantdites ordine ell & eftabli qe touz marchantz alienz & denzeins & touz autres « chefcuns de eux de quel eftatou condition qils foient qi achatre ou vendre voillent blez vins avoir de pois chares pefTon & touz autres vivres & vitaiiles laines drapz mercez marchandifes & tote manere dautres chofes vendables de queu part qils veignent par foreins ou par denzeins a quel lieu qe ceo foit cite burgh ville porte de meer feire marche ou autre lieu deinz meifme le Roialme deinz fran- chife ou dehors les peuffent franchement & faunz deftourber vendre a qi qe lor pleft auxibien as fo- reins come as denzeins forlbris les enemys de nollre Seignur le Roi & de fon Roialme. Et fi pur cas deftourbance foit faite a nul marchant alien ou den- zein ou a autre fur la vente des tiels chofes en citee burgh ville port de meer ou autre lieu qe franchife eit & les maire baillifs ou autres qe unt garde de la dite franchife requis paries ditz marchantz ou autre de ent faire remedie & il ne le face & de ceo foit atteint foit la franchife prife en la mein!e Roi. Et nient meinz foit tenuz lui & les autres qi auront faite cele deftourbance contre ceft eftatut de render & reftorer au dit marchant fes damages qil avera foeffert par cele enchefon au double. Et fi tiele deftourbance foit faite as tiels marchantz ou as au- tres es villes ou lieux cu franchife neft &le Seignur fil foit prefent ou fon baillif coneftable ou autre gardein des dites villes & lieus en abfence des Seig- nurs ent requis de faire droit ne le facent & de ceo foient attetntz rendent le damage au pleintif au double auxi come defus eft dit & les deftourheours en lun cas & en lautre auxibien deinz franchifes come dehors fils foient atteintz eient la prifone dun an & jadumeins foient reintz a la volunte le Roi. Auxint eft ordine & eftabli qe nul alien ne denzein fur meifmes les peines ne foit deftourbez qil ne peufle franchement achatre les chofes fufnomes es lieux fufditz & carier la ou lui plerra a fon oeps demeigne ou al profit du Roi et des grantz et du poeple du dit Roialme forfpris qe les marchants aliens ne amefnent vins horsde meifme le Royal me come eft contenu en lor chartre. Et eft ordene et eftabli qe les dites chofes foient tenues gardez et fournies en chefcune cite burgh ville port de mer et autre lieu deinz le dit Roialme nient contre- ftante chartre de franchife a eux grante a contrair ne ufage ne cuttume ou jugementz renduz fur lor chartres ufages ou cuftumes qi eux purront aileger les queles chartres ufages et cuftumes fi nulles foient noftre Seignur le Roi Prelatz Countes Barons et grantz et communaltz avantditz tienent de nulle force comes chofes grantes ufes ou acuftumes au damage du Roi Prelatz Countes Earons et grantz de fon Roialme et oppreffion de fon poeple fauve totefoitz auRoi & as autres lea cuftumes dues des dites marchandifes. Auxint ordine eft et eftabli qe le Chanceller Treforer et juftices affignez a tenir les plez le Roi es lieus ou il viegnent enquergent des ti'eles deftourbances et grevances et facent gu- 3>~ Realm, and Oppreffion of his Commons, %hathor-% Add mSr«- da'med and e/iab/ijbed, That all Merchants, Stran- "/">" if " ° r - gers and Denizens, and all other and every of them, iV'l ed ,1" a '^T . of what Eftate or Condition foever they be, that will ^f^itb buy or fell Corn, Wines, Aver de pois, Flefh, Fifh, thiAJJint 'of'bf and all other Livings and Victuals, Woolls, Clothes, faid Prelates, Wares, Merchandifes, and all other Things veridi- Earls^arfnt, ble, from whence foever they come by Foreigners or , c "t £r , ^ i! "> Denizens, at what place foever it be, Citv, Borough, "JL,?JL. 'rJ?~ I own, Port of the Sea, r/air, Market, or ellewhere Altered by 16 r» within the Realm, within Franchife or without, may ». c. 1. 9 H. 3 „ freely without Interruption fell them to what Per- ftat - *■ c - 3°«  fons it fhall pleafe them, as well to Foreigners as Denizens; except always the Enemies of our Lord the King, and of his Realm. (2) And if haply any What Punifh- Difturbance be done to any Merchant, Stranger, or ment A™ 11 be!n - Denizen, or any other for the Sale of fuch Things fl ' fled "P™. A. - iV 7 i ^r» l-i r i o them that dl- in any City, Borough, Town, Port of the Sea, or fturb Merc hants other Place which hath Franchile, and the Mayors to fell their and Bailiffs, or other which hath the Rule of fuch Commodities* Franchife, being required by the faid Merchants, or other, thereof to provide Remedy, and do not, and be thereof attainted, the Franchife fhall be feifed into the King's Hands. (3) And neverthelefs he and the other which hath done this Difturbance againft this Staiute, fhall be bound to yield and reftore to the faid Merchant his double Damages which he hath. thereby fuftained. (4) And if fuch Difturbance or Interruption be done to fuch Merchants, or to other in fuch Towns or Places where no Franchife is; and the Lord, if he be prefent, or his Bailiff", Conftable,' or other Ruler of the faid Towns and Places, in the Abfence of the Lords, being therein required to do Right, and do not, and thereof be attainted; they fhall yield to the Party Plaintiff his double Damages, as afore is faid; (5) and the Difturbers in the one Cafe and the other, as well within Franchifes as without, if they be attainted, fhall have one Year's Imprifonment, and neverthelefs be rar.fomed at the King's Willi (6) And it is ordained and eftablifhed. That no Alien or Denizen upon the fame Pain fhall be troubled, but that he may freely buy fuch Things aforefaid in the faid Places, and carry them where it pleafeth him, to his own Ufe, or to the Profit of the King, or of the great Men, or the Commons of the Realm; (7) faving that fuch Merchants Aliens fhall Alicr,s ffi , a J tit- r . r it r r» 1 ■ carry no Wine carry no Wine out of the lame Realm, as is con- mit J of lhe tained in their Charter. (8) And it is enacted and Realm, eftablifhed, That the Things aforefaid fhall be ob- ferved, performed, and kept in even/City, Borough, Town, Port of the Sea, and other Places within the Realm, hofwfthftanding Charters of Franchife grant- ed to them to the contrary, nor Ufage, nor Cuftom,. nor Judgement given upon their Charters, Ufages, or Cuftoms that they can alledgej (9) whi-:h Char- ters, Ufages, and Cuftoms (if any be) bur Lord the- King and the Prelates, Earls, Barons, Great Men,. and the Commons aforefaid, hold them of no Force,, as Things granted, ufed, or accuftomed, to the Da- mage of the King and his Prelates, Earl's, Barons, and Great Men of his Realm, and to the Oppreffion of the Commons; faved alway to the King, and to' other, the Cuftoms due of the faid Merchandises. (jo) It is alfo ordained and provided', That the Chart- who may en- cellor, Treafurer, and the Juftices affigned to hold qu""« of, -'j* the King's Pleas, in Places where they come, fhall?"" enquire of fuch Difturbances and Grievances and the fame fhall puniih according as is before ordained. ftv the Of- 'encc3 .tfcrciUidv