Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/604

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552 C. i9«  Anno decimo Ann^ Reginse. A. D. 7ir. to have rhi; fame i|-aj„ecl, or dyed England, Wales, and the Town of trld!f"-V"as ""' Power,' and Authority, and may adjudge, deten; .rpmm;ffio"iie"rs rcIatincT to the fame Duties arifing within the Limits al •C.;mmifiioneis XCIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted, That fiich Perfons as, in purfuance of this AcSl, fhall for theie Diaics be Commiflioners for the fail. Duties on the faid Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and Stuffs, printed, painted f Berivick upon Tzveed, fliall have the fame Jurildic- mine, mitigate, and order, in all Cafes and Matters Comm;ffioners rejating to the tame L/uties arinng witnin the JLimits aforefaid, as the Commiflioners of Excife upon Beer, ofExcji.;. Ale, and o:her Liquors, mayor can lawfully exercife, adjudge, determine, mitigate, or order iu the like Cafes or Matters in i elation to the faid Duties of Excife, by any Lavv or Statute now in Force. Thefe Gnnds - XCIV. Provided alv/ays, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it {hall and maybe havirig.iwid the J^vvful to and for any Peribn or Perfons, who ftiall have actually paid her Majefty's Duties by this A£t fx'im'ed onS-- payable for any of the faid imported Linens, or for any Silks, Callicoes, Linens, or Stufls, to be printed, curiiy, &c, ' painted, flained, or dyed, as aforefaid, in Great Britain, and to and for any other Perfon or Perfons, who flnall buy, or be lawfully entitled to any fuch imported Linens, ,or any fuch Goods, printed, painted, ftain- cd, or dyed, as aforefaid, in Great Britain, from the Peifon or Perfons, who actually paid her Majefty's Duties payable by this Afl for the farne, to export any fuch Goods for which the Duty was fo paid for any Foreign Parts, by way of Merchandize, giving fufficicnt Security before the Shipping thereof, that the particular Quantities fo intended to be exported, and every Part thereof, fliall be lliipped and exported, and not to be relanded or brought again into any Part or Parts oi Great Britain; which Security- the Cu- flomer or Collector of the Port of Exportation fliall take in her Majefty's Name, and to her Ufe. XCV. Provided always, That if after the Shipping of any fuchXjoods, and the giving or tendring fuch Security, as aforefaid, in order to obtain the Allowance or Drawback herein after-mentioned, the fame, or any Part thereof, fliall be relanded in any Part oi Great Britain, that then, and in every fuch Cafe fover and above the Penalty of the Bond, which fhall be levied and recovered to her Majefty's Ufej all the faid Goods, which fliall be fo landed, or the Value thereof, fliall be forfeited. XCVL And it is alfo hereby enacted. That any Perfon or Perfons who fliall export any fuch chequered, flriped, printed, painted, ftained, or dyed Goods, as aforefaid, to or for any Foreign Parts, Ciall and may make Proof upon Oath, or by fuch Affirmation refijectively, as aforefaid, that the Duties thereof have been paid or fecured according to this Aft (which Oath or Affirmation, the Cuftomer or Colleftor of the Port of Exportation is hereby required and impowered to adminifter) and' thereupon the faid Cuftomer or Colledtor of the faid Port of Exportation fliall give to the Exporter thereof a Debenture, exprcfling the true Kinds and Quantities of the chequered and ftripcd Linens, and of the faid printed, painted, ftained, and dyed Goods fo exported; and the Exportation thereof being certified by the Searcher upon the faid Debenture, the Collector appointed to receive the faid Duties upon fuch chequered and ftriped Linen?, printed, painted, ftained, and dyed Goods, in the County or Place where fuch Exportation was made (upon producing the faid Debenture fo certified to him) fliall forthwith pay the Duties which, fliall have been received upon this Aft for the Goods fo exported, to the Perfons or Agents fo exporting the fame; and if fuch Colleftor fliall not have Money in his Hands to pay any fuch Debenture, then the refpeftive Commiffioners for the faid Duties on chequered and ftriped Linens, printed, painted, ftained, and dyed Goods, are hereby required to pay or caufe to be paid the faid Debenture out of any the Duties upon che- quered and ftriped Linens, printed, painted, ftained, and dyed Goods, ariflng by this A.ft; or if the Duty of the Goods fo exported were only fecured, and fliall remain unpaid, then the fame fhall be difcharged up- on the Security for the fame; any thing in this Aft contained notwithftanding. XCVIL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, that the refpeftive Commiflioners of the Cuftoms in Great Britain, fliall, on or before the twentieth Day of July one thoufand fevefi hundred and twelve, provide or caufe to be provided fuch and fo many Seals or Stamps with which all the faid imported Linens, during the Continuance of this Aft, ftiall be marked, upon Payment of the Duties thereof, as aforefaid, and fliall caufe the fame to be delivered to the propsr Officers of the Cuftoms for that Purpofe; If relanded, forfeited. On Oath tnat the Duty has .b.cii paid, ■ aivJ on Deben- tuie from the Curtcmer, lVc. Collector to re- J3ay the Duties. Commiffioners of the Cuftoms to provide Stamps for the importedLinens, CDirimifTioners a,„J t'n;it the refpe CommiiTioners to be appointed for man^iging the faid Duties upon Silks, Callicoes, ed Silks, &c. alfo to provide Stamps. forinanagingihc j^jngjio^ and Stiiffs, to be printed, painted, ftained, or dyed in Great Britain, fliall, on or before the twen- ""^^ "■' °^'" ' tieth Day of yz</;( one thoufand i'even hundred anij twelve, provide proper Seals or Stamps, of another Kind, for marking fuch of the faid Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and Stuffs, to be printed, painted, ftained, or dyed in Grc::t Britain, as aforefaid, during the Continuance of this Aft, as are to be ftamped and mark- ed, for and in order to the charging of the relpeftive Duties for tht; fame, and alfo fo many Seals or Stamps,- of a third Kind, with v>'hich all the faid Stocks or Quantities of chequered and ftrip»d Linens, and of fuch printed, painted, ftained, or dyed Goods, as aforefaid, on the fiid twentieth Day of jf?//v one thoufand fe- ven hundred and twelve, upon paying or fccuring the faid half Duties for the fame, are to be marked or ftamped, and fhall caufe the faid refpeftive Seals or Stamps to be dift-ributed to the refpeftive Officers for the ■fevcral Purpofes before mentioned; which Officers arc hereby enjoined and required, in uilng the fame, to do no Hurt or Damage, or the leaft Damage that may be, to the Goods to be fo marked or ftamped; and the faid refpeftive Conimiffioners, in provjding the faid reip^fi-ive Seals or Stamps, fliall take Care that they be fo contrived, that the Impreilion thereof may be durable, and fo as the fame may be leaft liable to be forged or counterfeited; and that the faid Stamps, or any of them, fliall or may be altered or renewed. Stamps may be altered by tier Majclly Counteiffiring 'Stamps, Felony from. time to time, as her Majefty, her Keirs or Succeftijrs, fhall think fit; and if any Perfon or Perfons any ,.1. Time or Times hereafter, counterfeit or forge any Stamp or Seal to refemble wnieh fliall be provided or made in purfuance of this Aft, or fhall counterfeit or rcfeni- SelVing witn a c , jif.rf^it S:-oip, forfeits I o I. and Pil- lory. whatfoever, fliall, at any Stamp or Sea' ble the Impreffion of the fame upon any of the faid Commodities chargeable by this Aft, thereby to de- fraud her Majefty, her Heirs or SucceiTors, of any of the faid Duties hereby granted, then every fuch Per- fon fo offending, being thereof convifted in due Form of Law, fliall be jtidged a Felon, and fhall fufFer D°ath as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy; and if any Perfon or Perfons fiiall, at any Time or Times, during the Continuance of this Aft, fell any printed, painted, ftained, or dyed Si!k=, Callicoes, Linens, or other Stuffs, as aforefaid, with a counterfeit Stamp thereupon, knowing the fame to be coun- ■ terfeited.