Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/12

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. Town of Aberdeen, and for the other publick Ufes of the faid Town. u. An Act to prevent Frauds in the Revenue of Excife, ■with refpect to Starch, Coffee, Tea and Chocolate. J-. An Act for importing from his Majefty's Plantations in America, directly into Ireland, Goods not enumera;ii in any Act of Parliament. 16. An Act to prevent the Stealing of Linen, Fuftian and Cotton Goods and Wares, from Field:, Grounds and • r Places, ufed for whitening, bleaching or drying the fame.

. An Act for repairing and keeping in repair the Pier

or Piers, and Harbour of Newhaven in the County of ex. i ■ . An Act to prevent counterfeiting the Paffes common- ly called Mediterranean Paffes. 19. An Act for repairing and keeping in Repair the Pier and Harbour of Ilfordcombe in the County of Devon. - -.n Act for rebuilding the Parifh Church of Gravef- rn the County of Kent, as one of the Fifty new Churches dire ted to be built by two Acts of Parlia- ment, one made in the ninth, and the other in the tenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne. it. An Act to explain a Claufe in an Act made in the feyenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne [for naturalizing foreign Proteftants) which relates to the Children of the natural-born Subjects of the Crown of England of of Great Britain. 22. An Act to explain and amend an Act puffed in the thirteenth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A£i for amending the feveral Roads leading from the City «/Briftol. 23. An Act for repairing the Road leading from Chappel on the Heath, in the County of Oxon, to the Quarry above Bourton on the Hill, in the County of Gloucejler. 24. An Act to explain and amend a Claufe in an Act paf- fed in the fecond Year of his Majefty's Reign [for ma- king more effectual feveral Ails relating to Watermen , Ivherrymen and Lightermen, rowing on the Rher Thames) fo far as the fame" relates to Ferry-Boats, and fiat-bot- tomed Boats. 25. An Act for confirming an Agreement lately entred 'into between the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of IVorcefler, and the Guardians of the Poor of the faid City, for continuing the Hop-Market of the faid City in the Workhoufe there ; and for vefting the Right of the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens, of keeping a Hop-Market in the faid City, in the Guardians of the Poor of the faid City, and their Succeffors for ever. zS, An Act, That all Proceedings in Courts of Juftice, within that Part of Great Britain called England, and in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, fhall be in the Bnglijh Language. 27. An Act for further encouraging the Manufacture of Britijh Sail Cloth, by taking off the Duties and Draw- backs therein mentioned ; and allowing an additional Bounty on Brit ijh made Sail-Cloth exported; and fcr ftamping Britifh made Sai!-C!oth with the Name and Piace of Abode of the Maker. . Act for the more effectual preventing Frauds com- . by Tenants, 2nd for the mere eafy Recovery of Ren;?, and Renewal of Leafes. 29. An Act for granting an Allowance upon the Expor- tation of Britijh made Gunpowder. 30. An Act for rendring more effectual an Act made in d Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Aci for the better Regulation of the- Coal Trade, fo far as the fame relates to the preventing the inhanclng the Price of Coals in the River Thames by the keeping of Turn in delivering of Coals there. 3i. An Act for making more effectual an Act paffed in. the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, for repairing, widening and amending the Roads from Wigan to Pre/ion in the County of Lancafter. 32. An Act for the more effectual punifning Stealers of Lead, or Iron Bars fixed to Houfes, or any Fences be- longing thereunto. 33. An Act for obviating a Doubt which hath arrfen con- cerning the ufual Allowance made upon the Deliver"/ of Letters fent by the Penny-Poft to Places out of the Ci- ties of London and Weftmmjkr, and Borough of Souih- work, and the refpective Suburbs thereof. 34. An Act for repairing the Road leading from the Town of Fulham in the County of Middlefex, through Fulham Fields, to the great Road near the Pound at Hammer- fmith in the faid County. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 4 Georgii II. r. A N Act to enable Edward Southwell Efq; to take /i the Oaths in this Kingdom, and to qualify himfeif for the legal Enjoyment of the Offices of principal Se- cretary of State, and Keeper of the Signet and Privy Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland. z. An Act to naturalize Philip Jacob de Neufuilk and others. 3. An Act for inclofing the common Fields, and unin- clofed Lands, lying within the Manor and Parifh of Bijhops Tackbrooke in the County of Warwick. 4. An Act for enabling Richard Claridge Gent, and his Iffue, to take and ufe the Surname of Turner.

. An Act to naturalize Hieronymus de Salis Efq;

3. An Act for naturalizing Catharina Godolphin, Wife of the Honourable William Godolphin Efq; commonly called Marquis of Blandford. 7. An Act to naturalize Mary Anne de la Fontaine, Wife of Charles de la Fontaine of London, Merchant. 3. An Act for vefting feveral Manors, Lands and Here- ditaments therein mentioned, in James Duke of Chan- dos, and his Heirs, in purfuance of certain Articles of Agreement made on the Marriage of his Son Henry Brydges Efq; commonly called Marquifs of Carnarvon. J. An Act for inclofing and dividing the common Fields and common Grounds in the Manor of Nuneaton and Attleborough in the County of Warwick. 10. An Act for exchanging, dividing, and inclofing the common Fields, common Meadows, and common and wafte Grounds within the Manor of Prejlbury in the County of Glouceflcr. 11. An Act to enable John Shafto Efq; to make a fuitable Settlement upon any Woman he {hall marry, and Pro- vifion for younger Children. 12. An Act for the Sale of the Eftate late of Mary Clayton deceafed, in the County of Bucks (intailed by her Will} for Payment of her Debts and Legacies charged there- on, and for laying out the Overplus of the Monies, ari- fing by fuch Sale, in the Purchafe of other Lands, to be fettled to the like Ufes. 13. An Act for naturalizing Ifaac Lacam, Peter Rotten and others. 14. An Act for Sale of an Eftate of Charles Duke of Grafton in the County of Surrey, and to fettle other Lauds in lieu thereof. 15. An