Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/13

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 15. An Act for enabling the Sale of feveral Lands and He- reditaments of Thomas Taylor and Maurice Shelton Efquires, in the County of Suffolk, and for fettling other Lands of as great yearly Value to the fame Ufes. 16. An Act for making Divifions, Inclofures, and Allot- ments of the open Cornfields and Pafturcs in the Lord- /hip of Catwick, in the County of York, and for fettling and eftablifhing the Payment of a yearly Sum to the Rec- tor of Catwick aforefaid, and his Succeffors, in lieu of Tythes, purfuant to Agreement between the prefent Rector and Proprietors of the faid Lands. 17. An Act for exchanging the Parfonage Houfe and Glebe Lands in Bifcatborpe in the County of Lincoln, for other Lands belonging to the Lord of the Manor, and for giving a Recompence to the Rector in lieu of his Tythes, to enable the Lord of the Manor to inclofe the common Fields. 18. An Act for inclofing, dividing, and exchanging the common Fields and common Grounds in the Parifhes of Lower Slaughter and Upper Slaughter in the County of Glouce/ler. 19. An Act for dividing and inclofing divers Parcels of Commons and wafte Grounds lying within the Manor of WeJl Broughton in the Parifh of Dovebridge in the County of Derby. 20. An Act for vefting certain Eftates of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns Baronet, in Truftees, to be fold for the raifing and paying his Brothers and Sifters Portions, now re- maining a Charge upon his Eftate, together with the Debts and Incumbrances of his Father Sir 'John Hoskyns, affecting the fame. 21. An Act for making and rendring effectual^ an Ex- change of Eftates therein mentioned in the County of York, between Lancelot Lord Archbifhop of York, and John Aijlabie Efq; 22. An Act to enable Frances Arundell and George Henry Earl of Lichfield, Guardian of Mary Arundell (an Infant) during the Minority of the faid Mary Arundell, to grant and fill up Leafes of the Eftates of the faid Frances and Mary Arundell in the Counties of Cornwall and Dorfet. 23. An Act for exemplifying the Will of Henry late Lord Herbert, and for making the fame Evidence in all Courts of Law and Equity in Great Britain and Ireland. 24. An Act for exemplyfying the Will of Nicholas Bage- nail Efq; and for making the fame Evidence in all Courts of Law and Equity in Great Britain and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales. 25. An Act for confirming an Agreement for exchanging of Lands made between Edmund Half ey Efq; deceafed, and the Patron and Vicar of Stoke Poges in the County ■of Bucks. 26. An Act for felling Part of the Eftate of Thomas Player Efq; -for difcharging the Debts, Legacies, and Incum- brances therein mentioned. 27. An Act for the Sale of the Eftates of Edward Stajiden Efq; deceafed, at Arborfield and elfewhere, for difcharg- ing the Debts of the faid Edward Standen, and other Purpofes therein mentioned. 2S. An Act for vefting in Truftees the Eftate of Lucy Bowry Widow, and John Bowry her Son, fituate in the Parifhes of Edmunton and Tottenham in the County of Middlefex, for the Sale thereof, to.difchargethe feveral Incumbrances thereupon, and for other Purpofes there- in mentioned. 29. An Act for felling Part of the Eftate of Robert Wejlby Eifq; in theCounty of Lancajlcr, for railing Money to difcharge feveral Debts and Incumbrances of his Father and Brother, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 30. An Act to enable Reywuudo Putt Efq; to make and fill up Leafes of the Eftate late of Sir Thomas Putt Ba- ronet, deceafed, in the Counties of Devon, Dorfct, and Somerjet. 31. An Act for vefting in John Inglis (Executor of George Heriot Clerk, deceafed) certain Lands in the County of Southampton, mortgaged in Fee by Charles Bulkeley Efq; to the 1 eftator, in Truft for the Purpofes therein men- tioned. 32. An Act for enabling Godfrey Kneller Huci/e Gent, and the Heirs of his Body, to take and ufe the Surname of Kneller. 33. An Act for naturalizing Ern/l Bardewieck. PUB LICK ACTS. Anno 5 Georgii II. 1. A N Act for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, X"_ Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called England ; and for granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Service of the Year 1732. 2. An Act for punifhing Mutiny and Defertion, and foe the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. 3. An Act to encourage and compel George Robinfon Efq; and John Thomfon to appear, and produce the Books, and difcover the Effefts of the Charitable Corporation for Relief of Induftrious Poor, by affifting them with fmall Sums upon Pledges, at legal Intereft; and to be ex- amined thereupon at the Times and Places therein men- tioned. 4. An Act for rebuilding the Parifh Church of Woolwich in the County of Kent, as one of the Fifty New Churches directed to be built by two Acts of Parliament, one made in the ninth, and the other in the tenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne. 5. An Act for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain for the Service of the Year 1732. 6. An Act for reviving the Duties on Salt for the Term therein mentioned. 7. An Act for the more eafy Recovery of Debts in his Majefty's Plantations and Colonies in America. 8. An Act for providing a Recompence to Sir Thomas Lombe for difcovering and introducing the Arts of making and working the three Capital Italian Engines for ma- king Organzine Silk, and for preferving the Invention for the Benefit of this Kingdom. 9. An Act to explain an Act made in the laft Seflion of Parliament, intituled, An Ail for importing from his Ma- jeflys Plantations hi America, dire£lly into Ireland, Goods not enumerated in any Acl of Parliament, fo far as the faid A£i relates to the Importation offoreign Hops into Ireland. 10. An A<St for repairing and amending the Road leading from the Town of Manchefler in- the County Palatine of LancaJler, through the Town of Ajhton under Lh:r, and the Parifh of Mottram Longdendale, and from thence to Salters Brock in the County Palatine of Chef er. •ii. An Act to enlarge the Pier and Harbour of Scarborough in the County of York.. 12. An Act for amending and making more effectual am Act made in the firft Year of the Reig-n of King James the Second, intituled, An additional Acl for the Improve- ment of Tillage. '13. An 'Act for enkrging the Term granted by an AH made in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his 'late Ma- jefty King George the Firft, for rebuilding the Pier and Harbour of Parian, in the County of Cumberland.