Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/138

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76 C. 10, ii. Anno quinto Georgii II. A. D. 1732. No Hops to be imported into Ireland from other Parrs but Great Britain. Farther Prcvi- Sotis concerning Plantations, 6 Geo, 2. c. 13. rity of the fame, That the faid Aft made in the ninth Year of the Reign of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, and the faid Act made in the faid firft Year of his late Majefty's Reign, and all and every Claufe, Matter and Thing therein contained, which prohibit the Importation of Hops into the Kingdom of Ire- land from Flanders, or from any other Parts whatfoever (other than from Great Britain) fhail be, and re- main and continue to be in full Force, as if the faid Act. paffed in the fourth Year of his prefent Majefty had never been made. 8 Geo. 2. c. 19. 12 Geo. 2. c. 30. 15 Geo. 2. c. 31 & 33. 24 Geo. 2. c. 51 fif 53. 29 Geo. 2. c. 5 & 35. 30 Geo. 2. c. 9. CAP. X. An Act for repairing and amending the Road leading from the Town of Manchejier in the County Pala- tine of Lancajfer, through the Town of AJhton under Lyne and the Parifh of Mottram Longdendale, and from thence to Salters Brook in the County Palatine of Chejier. P R. The Toll took Place the nrft Day of May 173Z, by 23 Geo. 2. c, 5.] Computation of Charge. and is to have Continuance for 21 Years. [Continued CAP. XI. An Aft to enlarge the Pier and Harbour of Scarborough in the County of York. P R. ' TT7HEREAS the Harbour of the ancient Town Corporate of Scarborough in the North Riding

  • W of the County of York, is the only Place between the Port of Newcajile upon Tyne, and the
  • River Humber, capable of receiving, in Diftrefs of Weather, Ships navigating to and along the northern

' Coafts of this Kingdom, and to and from the Eaftern Seas, and other Places, without great Difficulty :

  • And whereas the enlarging and extending the Piers of the faid Port would render the fame much more

' commodious than now it is, for the Reception of large Veffels, and particularly of thofe ufing the ' Coal Trade, in Tempefts and other Times of Danger : And whereas the Expence of the Enlargement

  • of the faid Pier, whereby at leaft fix Foot Water will be gained within the faid Harbour, will amount

' to near twelve thoufand Pounds : And whereas the faid Town of Scarborough is unable to raife a Sum of ' Money fufficient to defray the Epence of compleating an Undertaking of fo publick an Advantage and ' Utility, and keeping the faid Piers (when fini(hed) in neceffary Repairs, without the Aid and Affiftance

  • of Parliament :' To the End therefore that the faid Piers may be enlarged, extended, improved and
  • kept in Repair, may it pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted, &c.

" One Half-penny per Chalder for Coals from 24 June 1732 till 24 June 1763, to be paid to the Bailiffs " and Burgeffes of Scarborough. No Cuftomer to enter Veffels till Payment. Duties payable from " 24 June 1732 till 24 June 1783. For all Coals landed within the Port 1 s. per Calder. For Cynders " 1 s. per Chalder. For every Weigh of Salt landed zs. For every Grofs of Glafs Bottles 2 d. For " Fir Timber imported in Englijh Bottoms 3 d. per Tun. For every Hundred of Fir Deals, 3 s. " For every Hundred of Half Deals is. 6d. For very Hundred of Middle Balks 35. For every " Hundred of double Ufers 3 s. For every Hundred of fingle Ufers 1 s. For every Hundred of " Capraevens 3 s. For every Hundred of fmall Balks 1 s. For every Hundred of fmall Spars 6 d. " For every Hundred of Battins 1 s. For every Hundred of Pale Boards 2 d. great Mafts apiece 3 s. " middle Mafts is. 6 s. fmall Mafts 6 d. Oak Timber and Plank per Tun 3 d. Wine and Brandy " per Tun 5 s. and for the above Goods imported in foreign Bottoms double Duties ; and for ' l foreign Goods not above mentioned imported in Englijh Bottoms 3 d. per Tun, and for foreign " Bottoms 6 d. per Tun ; and for Butter (hipped off 1 d. per Firkin. For dried Fifh and Mudd " Fifh (hipped off 2 d. per Score. For barrelled Fifth per Barrel 4 d. For Tallow 3 d. per Hun- " dred. Every Ham 2 d. Neats Tongues per Dozen 3 d. Pickled Pork per Barrel 1 s. For every Flitch " of Bacon zd. Rabbit Skins per Pack 25, 6 d. Calves Skins per Dozen id. Leather per Hundred " Weight 1 s. And for every Englijh Ship which (hall enter the Piers 6 d. And for the Top or Crofs " Trees, being of the Burthen of 130 Tuns or upwards, d. and for every foreign Ship 1 s. and for the " Top or Crofs Trees of fuch foreign Ship, being of the Burthen of 130 Tuns or upwards, Sd. Bailiffs " and Burgeffes to appoint Collectors. On Death or Refufal of Commiffioners, others to be chofen. " Bailiffs and Burgeffes may contract with Artificers for improving the Harbour, and place or difplace " Collectors, &c. Collectors to give Security. Collectors may enter Veffels, take an Account of their " Lading, and feize for Nonpayment of Duties. Goods diftrained to be fold, if not redeemed in 20 Days: " Duties affignable for Money borrowed. Bailiffs may fummon Perfons to give an Account of Goods " liable to the Duty. Refufing to give Account of Goods, forfeits 20/. Annoying the Harbour by Bal- " laft, Duft, &c. forfeits 40 s. to be levied by Diftrefs. On want of Diftrefs, to be imprifoned. An " Officer to be appointed to direct the mooring of Veffels, and prevent Annoyances. Penalty on not " mooring in the Places appointed, 5/. on emptying Rubbifh, 20.1. Chief Magiftrate of the Corporation to " exercife the Powers given, though their Stile may be altered. Antient Duties to be continued. Claufe " of Exemption for Great Yarmouth." [Amended by 25 Geo. z. c. 44.] CAP.