Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/685

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A. D. 1745.' Ahiio decirno oftavo Georgii II. C. 23,24. 619 as he or flic could or might have done, in cafe of any Aflignment or Turning over to any new or other s« (,, m*- Mafter or Miftrefs, arm „ e uimym 20 Geo. 2. c. 45. . 32 Geo, ;. . . , CAP. XXIII. An Act to repair and widen the Road leading from Godmanchejler in the County of Huntingdon, through Fen Stanton and Cambridge, to the Fir/i Rubbing Houfe on Newmarket Heath in ihe County of Cam- bridge. PR. Tolls granted for 21 Years. CAP. XXIV. An Ac"b for effectually preventing the Exportation of Foreign Linens, under the Denomination **(*****. of Britijh or Irijh Linens. li'Z hit?™* 28 11. ?."<-. 4 . 1 El. c. c. 12. 7 & %W. 4, c. 39. 1 i.e. 8. 3 Ann. c. 8. 7 Ann. c. 7. 10 Ann. c. jgisf 21. 12 Ann. ft. ;. c. 9, 19 (£,' 21. 1 Get., 1, e. 36. 3 Geo. 1. c, 7,&f at. .15 Cm. 2. c. 29,, 17 Cm. 2. c. 30. ' "IT J" HE R:E A S by Reafon of the Bounty or Allowances granted on the Exportation of Britif.j and ' W • Jrifl) Linens, evil-minded Perfons may fraudulently endeavour to export Linens of foreign Fa- 1 brick and- Manufacture, and to receive the faid Bounties or Allowances for the fame, as if the fame-were '. of the Manufacture, of Great Britain and Ireland: And whereas certain Stamps are required by Law, to 'be put upon Linens, made; in that Part of Great Britain called Scot/and, and in Ireland, which may have ': been put ■ on'Ioreign Linens, in order to vend them as Linens of the Manufacture of that Part of Great . '. Britain called Scotland,- qx of Ireland; For Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the King's moft Excel- lent Majefty, -by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords. Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent. Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty- Stamp Matters to ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, no Stamp Mafter or Lapper in Scotland 'j 1 '" 3 " ^ 1 " '••-: or Ireland, fliall any way mark, ftamp, or feal any Linens whatfoever, until fuch Stamp Mafter or Lap- a^J^S?©/ per fliall have taken an Oath for the true and faithful Execution of his Office, before one or more J u- fi ce . fticEiOr Juftices of the peace in Scotland ^nd Ireland reflectively (whjch Oath the faid Juftice or Juftices is'and are hereby-authorized arid required to adminifter); nor until after the Owner or Manufacturer of L' 'ens to t>e any Linen brought, to-be marked or ftamped, fliall, be/ore tbe Stamp Mafter of the Place, next adjoining ftamped mull be to. the Place wf Abode of the Owner or Maker of fuch Linen, take an Oath (which Oath the faid Stamp ^M^flaL Mafters, feverally.andjrefpectively, are hereby authorized and required to adminifter) that fuch Linens of'scothmd or"™ defired to: be •marked or ftamped, and every Part thereof, is and are really and truly of the Manufacture of Ireland. Satland or Irehudi and of no other Place. II. A tad be it further enacted by the. Authority aforefaid,. That no Bounty {hall be paid or allowed on Conditions of the Exportation of any Britifi or Iri/li Linens, but on fo;ch only, .at both Ends of every Piece whereof the. P a yj n 8 a Bounty Name and Place of Abode; of: the, Manufacturer or Maker thereof, together wjth the Year of our Lord, "^j™" 5 "" wherein die faid Piece was manufo&'or made ;■' and .alfo a Number,, denoting the Order in which fuch p ° r Piece was, fo manufactured or made in fttch Year, beginning with N° I. and proceeding progreflively, ac- • cording to the. Number of Pieces made by fuch Manufacturer or Maker in each Year ; and alfo the Name and Place of Abode of the Exporter or Seller thereof for Exportation, fhall be feverally marked or ftamped in plain, diftinct, and legible Letters, Figures, and Words at Length ; and unlefs at the Ends of every Piece of fuch Linen, there fliall be marked or ftamped in plain, diftinct, and legible Letters, Words, and Figures, the Month and Year when, and the Name of the Port at which fuch Linens fliall be entered for Exportation, claiming the Bounty ; and unlefs (except in the Inftance herein after mentioned) the Ends of every? fuch Piece of Linen, near which fuch Marks or Stamps fliall be made, fliall be whole and en- tire,- as the fame were, when it ; was cut or taken out of the Loom ; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any .wife notwithstanding ; all which Marks or Stamps fliall be marked or ftamped with Lamp- black and burnt Oil, in a plain, legible, and durable Manner.- ' III. And whereas it is a frequent Practice in Scotland, to cut a Piece of Linen after it is taken out of 4 the Loom into two or more Pieces, for the Purpofe of bleaching or whitening the fame, whereby one ' or more of fuch Pieces, may not have the Maker's or Manufacturer's Name made or let thereon, as is 'herein before directed :' For Remedy whereof. Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every pieces cat for Piece of Cloth intended to be cut for the Purpofe of bleaching or whitening, fhall be fo cut in the Pre- 'Bleaching (hail fence of the Stamp Mafter of the Place next adjoining to the Place of Abode of the Owner of fuch Cloth, he cut in Pre - and each Piece cut oft", not having the Manufacturer's or Maker's Name and Place of Abode ftamped < ™" e of . a Stdrop thereon, fliall be ftamped with the Name and Place of Abode of the faid Stamp Mafter, and with the a er ' Name and Place of Abode of the Manufacturer and Maker thereof, together with the Year of our Lord wherein' the fame was fo bleached or whitened, which the Stamp Mafter is hereby impowered and directed to ftamp thereon ;-,and no Bounty fliall be paid or allowed on Exportation of any fuch cut Piece of Cloth that fnall not have the faid Stamps thereon : And if any Perfon or Perfons fliall, from and after the no Bounty wirti- twer.ty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, ftamp or mark any Linens, or caufe out fuch Stamps -. or procure any Linens to be ftamped or marked, contrary to all or any of the Directions of this Act, or {hall mark or ftamp, 1 or caufe or procure the fame to be marked or ftamped, with a Mark or Stamp,- exprefling P ena!t y_ on falfs the Name or Place of Abode of any Perfon or Perfons, other than that of the real and true Manufacturer canips ' ot M-aker- thereof, or- ex preiilng an untrue Defcription of the real and true Manufacturer's or Maker's Piace 4 K 2 of