Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/686

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62p C. 25. Anno decimo o&avo Georgii II.' A.. D.: 17.45'. of Abode, or of the Year of our Lord in which fuch Linen was manufactured, or of the Order in which the fame was manufactured or made, or (hall wilfully mark or fet on any fuch Linens any. falfe or coun-

  • r an taking out terfcit Stamp, in Imitation of the Mark or S.tamp ufed by any Manufacturer or Maker of Britijh or Irijh

Sum^s ; Linens, or (hall wilfuly or maliciouily cut off, obliterate, wafli, take out, or deftroy, or caufe or pro- cure to be cut ofr, obliterated, waftied, or taken out, or deftroyed, any Startip or Mark marked or ftamped ^1. for each on Linen, fuch Perfon orPcrfons fhall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds for every Piece of Linen fo ftamped hece. as aforefaid, to be fued for and recovered by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejlmin/ler, the Court of Selfion, Court of Jufticiary, or Court of Exchequer in Scotland, or in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record in Dublin refpectively, wherein no Eflbin, Privilege, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance, fhall be allowed ; and one Moiety of the faid Penalties Thall be to the Ufe of the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as will fue or profecute for the fame. Penalty of IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority .aforefaid, That if any Perfon fhall make or affix, or (bmping t° TC k<* caufe to procure to be made or affixed, on any Linens of foreign Manufacture or Fabrick, imported into ^"trifli" Great Britain or Ireland? any of the Marks or Stamps required by Law to be put on Linens of the Manu- facture of Scotland or Ireland, or fhall make or affix, or caufe or procure to be made or affixed, on any fuch foreign Linens, any of the Marks or Stamps hereby required to be marked or ftamped upon Linens of the Manufacture of Great Britain or Ireland, or fhall make or affix, or caufe or procure to be made or aT.xed, on any fuch foreign Linens, any Mark or Stamp, Marks or Stamps, in Imitation of any of the faid Marks or Stamps hereby, or by any other Law or Laws now in Force, required to be marked or To ftand in the ftamped on Britijh or Irijh Linens ; fuch Perfon fo offending, and being thereof convicted, fhall ftand on Viilory and be the Pillory during the Space of one Hour in the Forenoon, and alfo be punifhed by Fine not exceeding fined 50). orim- £f t y Pounds, or by Imprifoment for any Time not exceeding twelve Months, at the Difcretion of the pnfoned. ia Court before whom fuch Offender fhall be convicted : And if any Perfon fhall, after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand fetfen hundred and forty-five, fell or expofe to Sale, or pack up for Sale, or Penalty on ex- enter for Exportation, any foreign Linens marked or ftamped with all or any of the Marks or Stamps porting foreign h ere by, r by any other Law now in Force, required to be marked or ftamped upon Linens of the Ma-- aiBrhi^orlrifh nufacture of Great Britain or Ireland, knowing fuch Linen to be foreign ; every Perfon fo offending, and • --' being thereof convicted, fhall forfeit the faid Linens, and the Sum of five Pounds for each Piece thereof to forfeit the Li- fo {od, expofed to Sale, or packed Up for Sale, or entered for Exportation as aforefaid, to be fued for nens.andjl. anc i recovered by }S]] J Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejlminjler, per icee, the Court of Seffion, Court of Jufticiary, or Court of Exchequer in Scotland, or in any of his Majefty's In cafe of a Que- Courts of Record in Dublin fefpe'ctively, Wherein no Effoin, Privilege, Wager of Law, or more than one flion, Whether Imparlance (hall be allowed ; and one Moiety of the faid Penalties fhall be 'to the Ufe of the King's Ma- Kien"- S theOnus J e fty> his Heirs and Siicceffors, and the oth«r Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as will fue or profecute probandi to lie for the fame : And in, cafe it fhall be made a Queftion, Whether fuch Linens are of the Manufacture or on the Defen- Fabrick of Great Britain or Ireland, or of any foreign Country ; in fuch cafe the Onus probandi thereof ■font- fhall lie upon the Clairrier of fuch Linen, or the Defendant in- fuch Action or Suit. Method of V. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That nothing herein- contained fhall extend to vary or flamping not to alter the Method of Stamping of Linens of the Manufacture of Ireland or Scotland, by virtue of any Law be altered. or Laws now in Force relating thereto ; but that, befides the Marks or Stamps herein before mentioned, See farther con- all fuch Linens fhall be marked and ftamped in the fame Manner as the fame ought to have been if this cermng Lmens, Act had not been made. Chap, z e,; 27, & 36. Alfo 21 Geo. 2. c. 26. 24 Geo. 2. e. 46. 29 Geo. 2. c. 15. 32 Geo., 2. c. 32. CAP. XXV. An AcTl for allowing certain additional Bounties on the Exportation of Brilijb and Irijh Linens.' See 20 Geo.i. <■ -yrj H E R E A S the Manufactures of Linens, made in the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, ' VV are °f l ate Years greatly improved and increafed, whereby the Price of Linens, as well of fo- ' reign as of Home Fabrick, hath been confiderably reduced ; and there is Reafon to believe, that the faid ' Manufactures of Linen would be greatly improved, and the Exportation thereof to foreign Parts confi- ' derably increafed, if an additional Bounty were allowed on all Britijh and Irijh Linens exported, as is ' herein after mentioned ;' Therefore may it pleafe your Majefty, that it may be enacted ; and be it en- acted by the King's moftJExcellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the Further Bounty fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, i>f a Haifp-nnv there (hall be allowed, over and above the Bounty or Allowance already given, a further Bounty of one per Yard tor Li- Halfpenny for every Yard of Britijh or Irijh Linens made of Hemp or Flax, of the Value of five Pence ^ens of Value j,<? r Yard, and not exceeding the Value of twelve Pence per Yard ; and a Bounty of three Halfpennies, i^rVa-d °and * or evel 7 Yard pf fuch Britijh and Irijh Linens, of above the Value of twelve Pence per Yard, and not ex- id. Halfpenny ceeding the Value of one Shilling and fix Pence per Yard, which between the faid twenty- fourth Day of per Yard from June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five and the twenty-fifth Day of March which will be in the i.«. to is. 6d. Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, or at any Time thereafter before the End of the then next "omTunT?* Sefiion of Parliament, fhall be exported out of Great Britain to Africa, America, Portugal, Gibraltar, or w~, to March t' 12 Iftand of Minorca s ox which fhall be exported to Spaf/i, from and after the Time that it fhall be law- aj, Xjso,Stc. . ful