Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/687

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A. D. 1745. Anno decimo o«£lavo Georgii II. C. 25. 621 ful to export fuch Linens to that Kingdom ; the fame to be given and paid out of the Money that hath arifen or fhall arife, by an Act of the fifteenth and fixteenth Years of the Reign of his prefejjt Majcfty, 15& i6Cto. a. intituled, An Acl for granting to his Majefly an additional Duty on Foreign Cambricks imported into Great Bn- C - J 9- tain, and for allowing thereout a Bounty upon certain Species o/'Briti(h and Iiilh Linens exported. II. And it is hereby further enadtcd by the Authority a'ford'aid, That Britijli or irijh Linens of the re- Unem npoMd fpeclive Values mentioned in the faid Act of the fifteenth and fixteenth Years of his prefect Majefty's toOibr»ltw ■-. Reign, which fhall be exported out of Great Britain to Gibraltar, or the Ifland of Minorca fhall be iiui- Min,, "« '""- tied to the Bounties and Allowance thereby given on the 'Exportation of the like Species of Linens to '^ '° i 1 ' k * Africa, America, Portugal or Spain rcfpectively. III. Provided always, That the Exporter or Seller for Exportation of fuch Britijh and Irijh Linens i< rov ir„. fhall, in his Entry thereof, exprefs the Quantity and Value, and lilcewife inJorfe, on theCocquet granted upon fuch Entry, the true Quantity and Value of the faid Linens intended to bt: fhipt ; and moreover Conditions of re- fhall, before he receives any fuch Bounty, produce a Certificate from the Se rdier or other proper Olfi- ccifinj the cer appointed to fee the fame fhipped, verifying the (hipping thereof; and fhall likewifc give fufficicnt Se- Boul "y- curity to the Collector or Cuftomer of the Port, in the Penalty of double the Value of the Goods intended to be exported, and one hundred Pounds ; which Security they are hereby impowered to take in the Name, and to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Sueceflbrs, that fuch Linen fo fhipped, or intended to be fhipped, or any Part thereof, fhall not be relanded or brought on Shore again in any Port or P.irt of Great Britain, Ireland, or the If e of Man; and fhall alfo, before he receives any fuch Bounty, make Oath, or being a Quaker, a folemn Affirmation (which Oath or Affirmation the proper Officers of the Cuftoms have hereby Power to adminifter) of the refpeflive Values of fuch Linens upon which the faid Bounties re - fpeflively are granted, and that the fame were made in Great Britain or Ireland. IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaiJ, That no Linen of the Ma- No Uiih Linen nufaeture of Ireland, to be exported from Great Britain, fhall be intitled to the Bounty; but fuch as inutkd, uniefs fhall be, at the Time of fuch Exporation, the Property of a Perfon or Perfons refiding in Great Britain, the p '°p='ty »f or in fome of his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, of which the Exporter or Seller for Ex- ~ mi: R g r '.' ,cm in portation of fuch Irijh Linen is hereby required to make Oath (or being of the People called Quakers, a America!""" °* folemn Affirmation) which Oath or Affirmation the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms have hereby Power to adminifter. V. Provided alfo, That nothing in this Act contained fhajl extend, or be conftrucd to extend, No ftr <>< , > che- to give any Bounty on any Linens that are ftriped or chequered, or made into Buckrams or Til- J"?— *flui L ,'" letings. „ .iie, VI. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted, That no Linens fhall be intitled to any of the Boun- nor left than 16 ties given by this or the faid former Act, which fhall not be of the Breadth of twenty-fix Inches, or inches broad, upwards. VII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Species of Irijh Linen made of Flax and s P«ies of l"ftj Hemp, whereof the Piece or Bolt contains thirty-eight Yards in Length, and twenty-four Inches in *| c ' J H lne,ls tx " Breadth, and Cloths of different Lengths and Breadths in Proportion, from Number one to Number ten inclufive, which fhall weigh fifteen Pounds Weight or upwards, to forty Pounds Weight, as the fame is defcribed in an Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefly, intituled, An Ail for the 9 Geo. i.e. ■>,■?. , further encouraging and regulating the Manufacture c/"Britifh Sail Cloth ; and for the more cffeclual fecuring the Duties now payable on foreign Sail Cloth imported into this Kingdom ; fhall not be intitled to any Bounty or Reward by virtue or in confequence of this Act; any thing in this or any former Act contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. VIII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Britijh or Irijh Linens, Linens relanded; for which the Bounty fhall have been given or claimed, fhall be relanded in Great Britain, Ireland, or , to be forfeited, L the IJle of Man, the fame fhall be forfeited, and every Perfon concerned in bringing back or relanding the y a d rd 2d ' per fame, fhall forfeit twelve Pence for every Yard fo brought back or relanded. J( IX. And to prevent Linens exceeding the Value of eighteen Pence per Yard, being exported for the Means to pre- Sake of the Bounty, Be itifurther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Collector and Comptrol- vent Linens ex- ler, or other proper Officers of the Cuftoms, may open, view and examine any or all fuch Linens, as y^'^.'in ^ex" fhall be entered at the Value of eighteen Pence per Yard, or under, and compare the fame with the Va- ^ 0! ^if^ lue and Price thereof, fworn to, or affirmed in the Entry and Indorfement on the Cocquet; and if, upon fuch View and Examination it fhall appear, that all or any Pieces of fuch Linen are of greater Value than eighteen Pence per Yard, then and in fuch Cafe, the Exporter or Seller of fuch Goods for Exporta- j tion fhall, on Demand made, in Writing by the Cuftomer or Collector, and Comptroller of. the- Port where fuch Goods and Merchandizes are entered, deliver or caufe to be delivered, fo many Pieces of fuch . Linen as fhall be demanded by .the faid Officer, into his Majefty's Warehoufe at the Port of Exportation, for the Ufe and Benefit of the Crown/; and upon fuch Delivery, the Cuftomer or Collector of fuch Port, with the Privity of the Comptroller, fhall out of any Money in the Hands of fuch Cuftomer or Collector, arifing by Cuftoms or other Duties belonging to the Crown, pay to fuch Exporter, or Seller for Expor- i a. per Yfo§ tation, the Value of nineteen Pence per Yard, taking a Receipt for the fame from fuch Exporter or Seller to be paid tiie for Exportation, in full Satisfaction for. the faid Goods, as if they bad been regularly fold ; and the re r ?' x ^ ter ' r fpe£tive Commiffioners of the Cuftoms fhall caufe the faid Goods to be fairly and publickly fold for the uc la?os * beft Advantage, and out of the produce thereof, the Money fo paid or advanced as aforefaid, fhall be re- paid to fuch Cuftomer or Collector, with the Privity of the Comptoller, to be replaced to fuch Funds from whence the fame was borrowed, and the Overplus (if any) fhall be paid into his Majefty's Exche- quer, towards the Sinking Fund, by the Title of The additional Duty on Cambricks : And in cafe the Ex- porter