Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/716

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<>s o C. i 2. Anno decimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1745. for the landing or delivering of the fame, firft figned by the Commiffioners, Collectors, or other proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms refpectively, that all fuch imported Goods as fhall be io landed, or put on Shore, or taken out of any Ship or Veffel, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, or the Value forfeited, thereof, fhall be forfeited, and fhall or may be feized or recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof (to wit) One Moiety of the fame to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccelTors, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as will feize, inform, or fue for the faid Goods fo imported and forfeited, or the Value thereof in any of his Majelty's Courts of Record at Weftmlnfter, or in his Majefiy's Court of Exchequer in Scotland, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Effoin, Pro- tection, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed. Duties how IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Duties upon imported Glafs, recoverable. by this Act granted, fhall be raifed, levied, collected, and paid in the fame Manner and Form, and by fuch Ways, Rules and Means, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as the prefent Duties upon im- jW.4M,lt,2. ported Manufactures of Glafs are in and by an Act palled in the fecond Year of the Reign of their late c ' 4- Majefties King William and Queen Mary, to be raifed, levied, collected, and paid; and that fuch of Officers in Eng- the faid Duties impofed by this Act upon imported Glafs, as fhall arife in England, Wale;, and the Town '■' "d" m,n p e of Berwick upon Tweed, fhall be under the Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of the Cuftoms GraiHniported"' ' n England for the Time being; and fuch of the Duties impofed by this Act upon imported Glafs, as there; fhall arife in Scotland, fhall be under the Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of the Cuftoms and in Scotland, in Scotland for the Time being; and all Monies arifing by the faid Duties (the neceflary Charges of raif- OfUcers there; j n g an{ j accounting for the fame excepted) {hall from Time to Time be paid into the Receipt of his Ma- jefty's Exchequer at Wejlminjler, diftindtly and apart from all other Branches of the publick Revenues, for the Purpofes herein after mentioned. V. And for the better stfeertaining, charging, levying, or fecuring the feveral Duties by this Act im- pof d upon all the Metal, Materials, and other Preparations whatfoever, by what Name foever they now are, or hereafter may be called or known, which fhall hereafter be made ufe of in the making of all Crown, Plate, and Flint Glafs, and all White Glafs, by what Name foever it now is, or hereafter may be called or known, and of all common Bottles, and all other Green Glafs according to the true Meaning of this _ . „, . Act; and for preventing of all Frauds concerning the fame; Be it further enacted by the Authority afore - mac5>Er! .hnd faid > ' rhat i " ucl1 of the faid Duties b Y tnis A & granted, as are or fhall be chargeable upon fuch Metals,. iu.e- under rho ' Materials, and other Preparations fo ufed in the making of Glafs as aforefaid, in England, Wales, or the Officers there; Town of Berwick upon Tweed, fhall be under the Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of Ex- m;ider theOffi- Materials, and other Preparations fo ufed in the making of Glafs as aforefaid in Scotland, fhall be under the Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of Excife in Scotland for the Time being, who are hereby reflectively impowered to appoint proper Officers for charging, collecting, and receiving the fame; and ail Monies arifing by the faid Duties (the neceffary Charges of raifing and accounting for the Anne excepted) fhall from time to time be paid into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer at Wejlminjler, diftinctly and apart from all other Branches of the publick Revenues, for the Purpofes herein after mentioned, to* «« tr!"e GIafS V *' Ani! ' t is b - ereb y enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Maker of Glafs fhall, on or be-. Ktam&tva-rhe '""'- the 'aid twenty-fifth "Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty- fix, make an Entry in Exa.fe Office j Writing at the Office of Excife, next to the Place where fuch Glafs fhall be made, of the refpective Name or fuch Maker, and of all his or her Furnaces, Pots, Pot-chambers, Ware-houfes, Rooms and other Places for making or keeping of Glafs, or of Materials mixed and prepared for making of Glafs, and fhall not ufe any Pot or Pots for the preparing or making of Glafs, without firft giving Notice thereof to the pro- per Officer for the faid Duties, fo that he may weigh, gauge, and take an Account of the fame; and if f.ny Maker of Glafs fhall make ufe of any Furnace, Pot, Pot-chamber, Ware-houfe, Room, or other Place for making or keeping of Glafs, or of Materials mixed and prepared for making of Glafs, with- out making fuch Entry thereof as aforefaid, or fhall ufe any Pot or Pots for the preparing or making of Glafs, without firft giving Notice thereof to the proper Officer for the faid Duties, fo that he may weigh, gauge,, and take an Account of the fame as aforefaid, then, and in every fuch Cafe, the Offender therein, Penalty .of not for every fuch Offence, fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of fifty Pounds; the one Moiety to the Ufe of his making a true Majefty, his Heirs and SuccelTors, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons who fliall inform or Entry. f ue f or ^ f ame> "nt? i° offi" VI1, And il is hereb y further enaded, That every Maker of Glafs, before he, fhe or they do, or fhall to Wri'iiTg • °" be §> n to ft" or charge any Pot or Pots for making of Glafs, fhall by the Space of twelve Hours next be- ' fore the Beginning of every fuch Filling or Charging, give to the Officer or Officers of the Divifion or Place where fuch Glafs is intended to be made, Notice in Writing of the particular Time and Hour when, and at which fuch Filling or Charging is intended to be begun, with an Account of the true Weight of the Metal or Preparation to be made ufe of, and the Species of Glafs fo to be made; on Pain Penalty, of forfeiting and loflng the Sum of fifty Pounds, at every Time or Times when any fuch Filling or Charg- ing fliall be begun, without firft giving fuch Notice as aforefaid. Provifo. VIII. Provided always, That if fuch intended Filling or Charging of fuch Pot or Pots, whereof fuch. Notice fhall have been given, fhall not be begun purfuant to fuch Notice, then, and in every fuch Cafe and Cafes, fuch Notice or Notices refpectively, fhall be null, void, and of no Effect; and every Maker of Glafs whatfoever, who after the Expiration of fuch Times mentioned in fuch Notice, fhall begin to tfew Notice to fyi or Charge fuch Pot or Pots, without having firft given a New 01 other like Notice as aforefaidj of his, U given. ** J *» ° * ij ex