Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/717

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A. D. 1746: Anno decimo nono Georgii II. C. 12. 651 her or their Intention to fill or charge fuch Pot or Pots, with an Account of the true weight of the Metal, or Preparation to be made ufe of, and the Species of Glafs fo to be made, fhall in every fuch Cafe, in- cur, and be fubjecl to the like Penalty and Forfeiture, as if he, lhe, or they had not thereof given any Notice at all. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Officers of the faid Officyr»tol " Duties, Shall, at all Times by Day or by Night, be permitted upon his, or their Rcqucft, to enter into |? ,r,n « ■"■ ■"' tiie Work-houfe, Ware-houfe, or other Place or Places for making or preparing of Glafs belonging to or " r ' c ' ufed by any Perfon, who on and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand (even hundred and forty-fix, fhall be a Maker or Makers of any Glafs whatsoever, and to weigh, or otherwife take an Account of the juft. Quantity of the Mc:tal and A4aterials mixed and prepared for the making of Glafs, before the fame be put into fuch Pot or Pots, and to examine, gauge, or otherwife take an Account of the juft Quantity of the Metal and Materials mixed and prepared for the making of Glafs, after the fame fhall have been put into fuch Pot or Pots, and fhall thereof refpecfively make Return or Report in Wri- sn - 1 temp- ting, to the rcfpec"tive Commiffioners of Excife in Great Britain, or fuch as they fhall reflectively ap tu j£ totheC ° h|i point to receive the fame, leaving a true Copy (if demanded) in Writing, under his or thejr Hand, " mere ' **' with or for fuch Maker or Makers of Glafs refpe£tively; and fuch Return or Report of the faid Officer or Officers, whether made from the Weight of the Metal and Materials fo mixed and prepared before the fame fhall be put into the Pot or Pots, or from the Account fo taken in the Pots, fhall be a Charge upon fuch Maker or Makers of Glafs refpeftively; and if the faid Officer or Officers fhall re- f" 5 al " r °" r °^" fufe or negleft to give or leave a true Copy of his Receipt in Writing, with or for fuch Maker or Makers fc, v * "cono)" of Glafs, at the Time of taking fuch Account upon Demand as aforefaid, every fuch Officer or Officers his Repon. for every fuch Offence fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of forty Shillings to every fuch Maker or Makers of Glafs refpsftively. X. Provided always, That every Officer who fhall be impowered to make fuch Charge as aforefaid, officii to be fhall in the firft Place be fworn for the due and faithful Execution of his Office, and the Oath in that Be- fworn. half fhall and may be administered by all or any of the Commiffioners of Excife in Great Britain, or by any of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, who fhall give to fuch Officer a Certificate thereof; and all and Ma ' cers ^9 1 * , ' s every fuch Maker and Makers of Glafs refpe£rively, are hereby required to keep fufficient and juft Scales ^ d "^ la a ^ 3 and Weights, at the Place or Places where he, She or they do make fuch Glafs, and permit and affift to afiift the Offi- the Officer to make ufe thereof for the Purpofes of this A£t, under the Penalty of fifty Pounds, to be for- cer. feited and loft for not keeping fuch Scales and Weights, or for not permitting and affifting the Officer to Penalty. ufe the fame as aforefaid. ' XI. And whereas Pots ufed for the preparing and mixing of Metal and other Materials for making Pots breaking,

  • of Glafs, after the fame ^re fo filled or charged, fometimes happen to crack or break whilft the Mate- &c - whcn
  • rials are in fuch Pot or Pots, with an Intention to be made into Glafs, whereby the whole or fome Part cllar s cd >

' of the faid Materials are loft, or become unfit for the making of fuch Glafs;' It is therefore hereby provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in e^ery fuch Cafe where the whole or any Part of fuch Materials fhall be loft, or become unfit for the Purpofe aforefaid, by fuch cracking or breaking of the Pots, upon due Proofs thereof made to the Satisfaction of the refpeftive Commiffioners of Excife in the Commil J>- Great Britain, where fuch Glafs-houfes or Work-houfes fhall be fituated, fuch Allowance fhall be made c A "^Va°n« for to the faid Makers of Glafs in refpecl of fuch Lofs as aforefaid, as by the faid Commiffioners of Excife the Lofs. refpecStively fhall be judged proper and reafonable. XII. And it is hereby enacled, That if any Maker of Glafs, or any other Perfon or Perfons, fhall ob- Penalty on ob- ftrucT: or hinder any of the faid Officers in the Execution of any of the Powers given to him or them by ftniaingOfficers:- this ASt, for afcertaining and fecuring the faid Duties upon Glafs, the Perfon or Performs fo offending therein fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds. XIII. And it is hereby further enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty- fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, during the Continuance of the faid Duties on Glafs, all and every Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, who fhall make or caufe to be made any Glafs in Makers of Glafs London, or in any Parts within the Limits of the weekly Bills of Mortality, fhall monthly and every in London. Month, and all and every Perfon or Perfons who fhall make or caufe to be made any Glafs in any other Part of Great Britain, fhall once in every fix Weeks make a true Entry in Writing at the next Office of and in other Excife for the faid Duties, of the true Quantities of the Metals and Materials mixed and ufed in each re- Parts of Great fpeclive Making of Glafs within fuch Month or fix Weeks refpectively; on Pain of forfeiting for every Britain, when to Neglect of Entry twenty Pounds; which Entries fhall be made upon Oath by the Makers of fuch Glafs, ^ e the,r El1 " 01* by their Clerk, Workman or Servant employed in making the fame, according to the beft of their „ ' ]tv Knowledge and Belief, unlefs fuch Maker, Clerk, Workmen or Servant be a known ghiai-er, and the folemn Affirmation of fuch Maker, Clerk, Workman or Servant, to the fame Effect, in cafe he or fhe be a known Mhiaker, fhall and may be taken inftead of fuch Oath, and the faid Entries, Oaths and Affir- mations to verify the fame, fhall for fuch Entries, Oaths and Affirmations., as fhall be made within the Limits of the weekly Bills of Mortality, be made with and adminiftred by fuch Officer or Officers as Oaths by whom fball bs .appointed by the Commiffioners of Excife in England, or the major Part of them for the Time to be admini- being, who fhall attend at the General Excife Office in London (ox that Purpofe; and for all fuch En- ftered. tries, Oaths and Affirmations as .fhall be made in all other Parts of Great Britain with or by the refpedtive Collectors or Supervifors of the DiftricT: or Divifion within which the respective Makers of Glafs fhall in- habit, without any Fee or Charge whatfoever to be demanded or taken for the fame. •; 4 O z XIV. Pro.