Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/85

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A. D. 1730. Anno tertio Georgii II. C. 20. 23 Beef or Pork falted with foreign Salt only, without any Mixture of Britifh or Jrijb Salt, to be paid out of the fame Duties or Revenues, and in the fame Manner as the Bounties or Allowances onTilh exported are hereby before directed to be paid. ' XVII. And whereas by an Act paffed in the fourth and fifth Years of their faid late Majefties King 4*5W,4M, ' William and Queen Mary, an additional Import of five Shillings perWey was laid on Salt imported c " s ' ' (except fuch Salt as mall be ufed in curing of Fifh) and there being no Provifion made to afcertain the ' Quantity of Salt that may be fo ufed ;' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the After a 5 Dee. faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, the faid Duty of five Shillings "730, the Impoft per Wey on foreign Salt (hall be paid and accounted for in the like Manner and Form, and fubject to the onlaithowto fame Rules and Regulations as the faid Duty of three Pence per Gallon on Salt (hall be paid and account- be paid. cd for by this Act ; any Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary notwithstanding. XVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid Foreign Salt not twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, no foreign Salt lhall be imported ?° b Jj im P . ortt ;£ from Parts beyond the Seas in any Ship or Veflcl of lefs Burden than forty Tuns, and in Bulk oiidy lha "40 TonsT (except for the necefiary Provifions of the Ships) upon Pain of forfeiting the faid Salt and double the Value thereof, to be recovered of the Perfon importing the fame : Provided always, That nothing here- The Powers in contained (hall extend or be conftrued to extend to repeal, determine or any ways alter the Powers R rant « d t0 th «  granted by the faid Act of the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King William , °(e t thYi°>ri*s' the Third to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, and the feveral Jultices of the onSakconti- Peace in their feveral Counties throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales and Town of nued - Berwick upon Tweed, to fet from Time to Time the Rates and Prices at which Salt (hall be fold, but the fame (hall continue and remain in full Force and Effect, the determining any of the faid Duties on Salt, or any other Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XIX. And whereas after the ceafing of the faid Duties on Salt, many of the Officers and other No p ro fecutioa

  • Perfons employed in the Management of the faid Duties, may be difquieted with Profecutions and againft Salt Of-

" Actions for what they may have done in the due Execution of their respective Offices,' Be it enact- £j e )V£ ter 2 5 ed by the Authority aforefaid, That no Profecution or Action (hall from and after the twenty-fifth Day Sa&rdJra*. of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-one be brought or commenced by any Perfon or Perfons cermng Salt, whatfoever, againft any Officer or Officers, or other Perfon or Perfons employed in the faid Revenue, 1 < £°' Z ' c ' 6 ' for any Thing done by him or them in the Execution of his or their Offices or Employments in the faid ^clVt.M. Revenue. 26 Geo. 2. c . 3, XX. And for the preventing or remedying any Injury or Damage which may happen to the Governor & 3 2 - and Company of Merchants of England trading to the South-Seas and other Parts of America, and for encouraging the Fifhery, in Refpect of the Diminution of the Produce of the Duties and Revenues, fo Quarterly Deft- as aforefaid charged with their Annuity or yearly Fund of four hundred thoufand Pounds, and their faid southSeaCom annual Allowance of eight thoufand Pounds for Charges of Management, by the ceafing and determining pany's Annuity* the Duties on home made Salt, included therein ; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe t0 be mad e good' at the End of any one Quarter of a Year, to be computed at each and every of the four mod ufual gregate'rtnd!" Quarters of a Year, from the Feaft-Day of the Annunciation of the blefied Virgin Mary in the Year of- See farther con- cur Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, the Produce into the Exchequer of the Monies arifing ctmmgtbu Com~ from the feveral Duties and Revenues, appropriated particularly to difcharge the Annuity or Allowance ^g™. 2 c for Charges of Management to the faid South-Sea Company, in Refpect of their original Capital Stock of c Geo. 2.' /. 17. ten millions, (hall not be fufficient, together with the prefent Provifions by Parliament, for making good ° c ». 2 - <"• *S any quarterly Deficiencies therein, to difcharge the Quarter's Annuity and Allowance that (hall then be 7 g„, f- ,_ due in refpect of the faid ten millions, or fo much thereof as lhall be unredeemed, then, and in every 9 Geo'. 2. e. 34I* fuch Cafe, the fame (hall from Time to Time be made good out of any Monies which, at the refpective r oGm ;J?" c - Times of fuch Deficiencies happening, (hall be and remain in the Exchequer, of the Monies arifen or to toGeoTz! c. a. arife for the Duties and Revenues commonly called The Aggregate Fund, eftablifhed by an Act of the 60. third Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, which (hall be more than fufficient |$ Ga - z - c - 2 > to anfwer, pay and fatisfy what will then be due and dcmandable for any prior Charges and Incumbrances 'J 1 ^ on the /aid Aggregate Fund. 5 . i-r. 7. XXI. And for the preventing and remedying any Injury or Damage which may happen to the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eqjl-Indies, in refpect of the Diminution that may happen in the Produce of the Duties and Revenues, fo as aforefaid charged with their prefent Annuity or Fund of one hundred and iixty thoufand Pounds per Annum, by the ceafing and determining the before mentioned additional Duties on Salt, before or until the faid intended Reduction of their faid prefent An- nuity or yearly Fund (hall take Place, and the fame reduced Annuity or yearly Fund be charged upon new Duties and Revenues with their Confent, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe at The Deficiencies the End of any one Quarter of a Year, to be computed from the Feaft of the Annunciation of the blefT- com* a aft ouiof ed Virgin Mary in the Year of our Lord one thoufand k>cn hundred and thirty, until fuch intended the^meFund?* Reduction (hall take Place, and fuch new Security be provided for, the faid reduced Annuity or yearly Fund, the Produce into the Exchequer of the Monies arifing from the fa'd additional Duties on Salt, and the faid additional Duties on ftamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper, fo as aforefaid particularly charged with the prefent Annuity or Fund of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, payable to the faid United Company, fhall not be fufficient, together with the prefent Provifions by Parliament for making good the Deficiencies thereon, to difcharge the Quarter's Annuity that lhall be then due to them j then and in every fuch Cafe, and as often as the fame ihall happen, fuch quarterly Deficiencies fhall from Time to Time be made good out of any Monies which at the refpective limes of fuch Defici- encies fhall be and remain in the Exchequer, of the Monies arifen or to arife for the faid Duties and Re- venues.