Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/100

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In 2 Months—

French Woman Reveals Secret for Which Millionaires Have Paid Thousands in Her Book Given Away FREE to Every Reader.

"NOTHING EXTERNAL ever reduced me one single inch," says famous French Obesity specialist, now in America, "but with SANGRINA, the amazing discovery of a European physician, I reduced my weight from ISO to 130 pounds. I feel better than ever before and I look ten years younger. No matter how little or how much you want to reduce, no matter how many things you have tried in the past, physicians, scientists, patients agree, and I can posi- tively prove it to you by my own case, that SANGRINA should bring you back to normal weight and leave you stronger, healthier and younger looking. In my FREE booklet on obesity I am giving you complete and easy directions for reducing, the same as I used myself. These have been secretly and jealously guarded up to now, and only used in private practice where exhorbitant fees have been obtained. When vou read my book you will understand why DIETS, EXER- CISESi ABSURD CREAMS OR LOTIONS CANNOT help you. Sangrina is guaranteed absolutely harmless — it is a combination of ingredients (NO DRUGS) which act only on the fat-forming cells, so that even a child can take it.


For a limited time only I have made arrangements with the Scientific Research Laboratories, who are introducing Sangrina, and I will give ABSOLUTELY FREE by mail MY PERSONAL AND CONFI- DENTIAL*rADVICE to every user of Sangrina on "How to Reduce in the Quickest Way Possible'*'" and "How to Retain Slenderness


pift I will send free to every one who

I writes for it my special booklet on obesity — It shows you just what to do to reduce and it gives you the secret of a I cure for which millionaires have paid thousands. Do not delay, as this offer .is LIMITED.

' TCote. — Sangrina is guaranteed abso- I lutely HARMLESS by Physicians.

Street I Sangrina will not cost you a cent if

■ you are not amazed at Its extraordinary results. Town |cau be taken either by men or women.

Scientific Research Laboratories,

Broadway, N. Y. City.

Mme. M

Send me one treatment of San- grina complete with Booklet — I will pay postman $1.50, plus few cents postage.



"I Got Rid of 6 Pounds of Fat in One Day" You Can Do The Same

Thousands of stout persons have testified to the wonderful results obtained from DAINTY-FORM Kat Reducing Cream, the foe to fat. and in view of this, we feel perfectly safe in urcinK every stout person man or woman to try


Whether you have 10 or a hundred pounds of superfluous fat. DAINTY-FORM will eliminate It, at any part of the face and body, quickly, safely and permanently. For neck, bust, double chin, hips DAINTY -FORM is incomparable. It is endorsed by physicians and its use requires no dieting, starving or medicines. Just gently pat or rub it in and In a few days you can feel yourself grow thin. The only fat reducing cream that has such delightful odor and has no artificial coloring, nothing injurious and everything beneficial.

Gilda Gray of the Zlegfleld Follices says, "I am very glad to give you this unsolicited testimonial. DAINTY-FORM is certainly wonderfully effective for a perfect figure and graceful slenderness. I sincerely recommend it to every woman." DAINTY-FORM will be sent direct to your home in plain wrapper upon receipt of $2.00 plus 10 cents to cover parcels post and Insurance charges (?2.!0 in all.)

DAINTY-FORM COMPANY, Inc., 15 West 34th St., New York City





of these beautiful 7 jewel, 10 yr. guaranteed, latest design Bracelet Watches, in a rich velvet case.

ABSOLUTELY FREE RUSH your name and ad- dress and we will send you ourwonderfulFREE Brace- let Watch Plan. Don't delay write at once. Home Supply Company 131DuaneSt.,N.Y.Dept 148




Stories-Wanted by Producers

A valuable money making field

Try it! Mail us an idea, in any form, at onco for free examination and criticism. We Rive our honest services to amateurs who would convert their thoughts into inllnxa.No experience necessary.

Free booklet sent on request

Continental Photoplay Studio

154 NassauSt., New York

Suite 1112-14, Ocpt. B

Kills Catarrh Germs In Three Minutes

Wonderful French Discovery Succeeds After Everything Else Has Failed

Thousands who have suffered from catarrh, head noises, difficult breathing, hawking, etc., and who have tried everything without success, say that the famous new scientific discovery Lavex rid them of their troubles in a few days. Many say they had no further trouble after the first three minutes of treatment.

. Lavex ' is a French discovery, easily used by simply inhaling a pleasant, harmless powder, which tends to hill the catarrh germs almost instantly. The results are astonishing in their rapidity. For instance Rev. J. F. Stephens, a widely known preacher, says, "I had suffered from catarrh for years and my doctor said there was no i cure. Had to quit preaching as a Methodist Minister. After using Lavex I can sleep and. eat well, voice is Hear, can walk or run or work as well as I could twenty years ago and I am now sixty-nine."

So confident is W. R. Smith, 758 Lavex Bldg., Kansas City., Mo., American distributor of La- vex, that it will rid you of all your catarrh troubles, in no time at all, that he generously offers to send a ten-day treatment on free trial. It obligates you in no way and comes to you in plain wrapper, postpaid; therefore you should accept this introductory offer today by simply sending your name and address to Mr. Smith.

An Outline of
Motion Picture Etiquette

(Continued from page 45)

knickers, belted coats, and two-toned sports shoes for the boys. At one time a girl appeared on a tennis court in sweater, skirt, and low-heeled shoes. She was frowned down, laughed at, by those who know. She never realized that low-heels were her undoing. Girls, profit by her mistake.

A riding habit must be included in your wardrobe for week-ends. You don this for tea. It is hardly, the thing, however, to be seen on a horse.

Family Dinners

Usually given on the occasion of Dad and Mother's wedding anniversary. All children and grandchildren should be present, also food in large quantities. The children should just be themselves. The baby must not neglect to smear its face with jam. It is not amiss for one of the little ones to spill the stew on Grandma's new silk' dress. One of the sons-in-law must balance peas on his knife while the rest of the company exchange nudges. A toast by the eldest son is always in good form: "Mother—God bless her." Mother, at this point, must not neglect to dab at her eyes.

Carnival Time in Venice

Is attended largely by wives. You should not go with your husband—leave him, and the child, at home. Go off in a gondola and enjoy yourself. Just before returning home assume an injured expression. You will need it for the reckoning scene. This, never ends tragically if you conduct yourself in the proper manner. Throw yourself upon a divan while your husband stands over you in a threatening attitude. Just then sonny will patter in in his little night-things and everything will be all right.

Conduct for Shop Girls, Mission
Workers, and Telephone Operators

When the young man with the derby hat enters your life, as he is bound to do sooner or later, permit him to see you home in his car. His father will call to tell you that you will ruin his son's career if you marry him. This should strike you as a good idea. Weep, and promise to give him up. When the young man calls, tell him you cannot see him any more, and why. If he is the right kind of young man, lie will scowl and say, "Father had no