Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/101

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20SHQO2CALJI AUTOMATIC!^ sale/ SEND today surewhilothey last for this brand new improved 20 shot, 32 eah automatic of the finest blue steel. 10 shots with extra magazine, making 20 quick, sure shots in all. Double safety. Specialat$9.2S, Also finest type 25 cal. 7 shot blue steel triple safety automatic priced unbelievably low at S6.95,. Both gunsshoot any standard an- tomatic cartridge. Money back promptly if Not Satisfied. «  CONSUMERS CO., Oopt. f o-BnT . 126S Broadway New York ^ This 14 Karat Wrist Watch flTDT Chere is your chance V7iXV - L ' to get this 10 Jewel 14 Karat White Gold Filled WRIST WATCH FREE, an ex- cellent timekeeper guaranteed 25 years. COSTS YOU NOTHING £ but a few hours of your time. Send your name immediately for full; details. ' CRESCENT PRODUCT CO. Oept. 51. 872 Pnapeci Are., Hew Tor*' DON STAY FAT! BATHE YOUR WAY TO SLENDERNESS 14 Treatments $3.00 BELCOR ?re"™ents no exercisihu Wonderfully Simple To Use no harmful ORUCS Simply Wonderful in Results A scientific medical compound contaninjt absolutely harmless ingredients tliat will reduce your weight. Merely dissolve one BELCOR carton in your daily bath and sec yourself grow slimmer, healthier, more beautiful. Send no money; just mail your order and pay the postman S3.00 plus postago upon delivery. Descriptive Booklet Free DR. S. OSBORNE CO. 220 Fifth Avenue Established /s/s Now York



Turn your talent into money. We can teach you drawing in your home during spare time. Well-trained artists earn from $40 to $200 a week. Thousands of publishers and advertisers need the work of good artists. The modern method is any easy way to learn to draw original pictures. Send 3 stamps for full particulars showing opportunities for you. State your age.


7 East 42nd Street, Dept. 60 Now York City


A slenderizing cream, safe, sure and effective; approved by physicians; dainty, cooling, fat-reducing toilet requisite. Mailed in plain wrapper, $2.00; double sized, $3.50.


Box 10, Station H, New York, N. Y. S


So confident is L. H. Carver, 411 Jenkins Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., that his wonderful new treatment will reduce any Goitre, no matter how large, in one month or less that he offers a 30-day free trial to introduce it to a million people. If you are a sufferer write at once before this introductory offer is withdrawn.

Develops Busts Like Magic!

During the past 15 years thousands have added to their captivating glory of womanhood by using


for bust, neck or arm development

Great Discovery of Parisian beauty expert. Harmless, easy, certain results guaranteed or money back. Marvelous testimonials of efficiency. Confidential proof and literature (((illegible text)) on request.

Write now. Mlle. Sophie Koppet, Suite 912 503 Fifth Ave., New York

Motion Picture

right," and clasp your hands in his. It will be only a question of time before the career will begin to crumble.

The Errant Wife

After months and months of neglect, you may decide that your husband cares no longer. The thing to do then is to don a duster and a little hat with a veil. Never depart except at night, and by no means forget to write the letter. The form letter follows:

Dear Husband:

I am going away. Do not try to find me, as you will not succeed. May you never know the unhappiness you have caused me. Goodbye.

Your Loving Wife.

If you have a butler, give the letter to him. Otherwise prop it against the reading lamp.

For Girls Leaving Home

We do not recommend this course of action unreservedly, but at times it seems to be the best thing to do. Select a stormy night—snow storm is to be preferred, but a thunder storm is almost as good. Never wear a hat, but fling your cape about you before going out into the night. Carry your clothes in a bundle or a box. Before leaving, pause before your parents' door and stretch out your arms. You may even lean against the door and sob, but be careful not to wake them. Once outside, do not neglect to turn back and stretch out your arms again. After that the storm will have everything its own way.


The foremost film authorities
of America will tell you
in the


FREE Book 101 Containing complete story of , the origin and history of that wonderful instrument — the Anyone Can Learn to Play SAXOPHONE This book tells you when to use Sax- ophone— singly, in quartettes, in sex- _, or in regular band; how to play from cello partsin orchestra and many other things you would like to know. The Buescher Saxophone is the easiest ^ of all wind instruments to play. With the aid of the first three lessons, which are sent without charge, the scale can be mastered In an hour: in a few weeks you enn be playing popular music. The Saxophone ia the most popular instrument for Home Entertainment, Church, Lodge or School, or for Orchestra Dance Music. EtISV til flflV You may try an y Buescher Saxo- fc,1 *# iW f ■* phone. Cornet, Trumpet, Trom- bone or other Instrument 6 days in your own home. If satisfied, pay for it by easy payments. Mention instru- ment interested in when sending for Free Book* BUESCHER BAND INSTRUMENT CO. Muteruof Everything in Band and Orchestra Instrument* 724 Buescher Block Elkhart, Ind. Tobacco Habit BANISHED Let Us Help You No craving for tobacco in any form after you begin taking" Tobacco Redeemer. Don't try to quit the tobacco habit unaided. It's often a losing fight against heavy odds and may mean a serious shock to the nervous sys- tem. Let us help the tobacco habit to quit YOU. It will quit you, if you will just take TobaccoRedeemeraccordingto directions. It is marvelously quick; thoroughly reliable. I 1*1. IP uuu »viuudij yun-ft, IIUU4VUKU1J 1CIIUU1C* Not a Substitute I Tobacco Redeemer contains no habit- forming: drugs of any kind. It is in no sense a substitute for tobacco. After finishing 1 the treatment you have absolutely no desire to use tobacco again or to continue the use of the remedy. It makes not a particle of difference how long 1 you have been using tobacco, how much you use or in what form you use it— whether you smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipe, chew plug or fine cut or use snuff, Tobacco Redeemer will positive- ly remove all craving for tobacco in any form in a very few days. This we absolutely guarantee in every case or money refunded. Write today forour free booklet showing the deadly effect of tobacco upon the human system and positive proof that Tobacco Redeemerwillquicklyfreeyouof the habit. Newell Pli n rmacal Company/ Dept. 997 St. Louie* Mo. I I I PERSONAL APPEARANCE is now more than ever the key-note of success. Bow- Legged and Knock* Kneed men and women, both young and old. will he clad to hear that I have now ready for market my new appliance, which will successfully straighten, within a short time, bow- leggedness and knock-kneed legs, safely, quickly and permanently, without pain, operation or discomfort Will not interfere with your daily work, being worn at night. My new "Llni-Straitncr." Model 18, V. S. Patent, is easy to adjust: its result will save you booh from further humiliation, and improve your personal appearance 100 per cent. Write today -for my free copyrighted physiological and anatomical book which tells you how to correct bow and knock-kneed Isgs without any obligation on your part. Enclose a dime for postage. IW. TRILETY, SPECIALIST 588-L. Ackerman Building. B1NGHAMT0N. N. Y.