Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/76

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Mary Pickford paid a visit to Abraham Lehr, vice-president of Goldwyn Pictures, the other day—and started all sorts of rumors.

A Family Affair

Picture making is getting to be more and more a family affair. Now Natalie Talmadge Keaton has announced her intention of supporting her husband, Buster Keaton, in his next feature comedy. And to make the family circle complete, Baby Joe Keaton, a little more than a year old, is to have a part in the picture, too.

A Sacrifice for Art

Anna Q. Nilsson had a wealth of lovely blonde hair. We hope you notice the tense. She had it. She hasn't any more. When they cast Anna Q. for the leading role in Ponjola, she at first thought she could wear a man's wig when she came to the sequences where she would have to doff skirts for male clothes. But the realism wasn't perfect, so Anna Q., like a heroine, marched into a barbershop and ordered, "Cut it short and shave my neck." By the way, Ponjola isn't the heroine's name, as you might think. It's Rhodesian for "hooch."

Louise Presented Cup

Louise Fazenda had a new job wished on her out at the Ship cafe, at Venice, the other evening. She presented a silver cup to the pair of best dancers on the floor. And although a number of screen players contested, the winning dancers were non-professionals.

Harry's Life Story

It's stylish to get the biographies of stars for studio records, now. They gave Harry Myers a blank questionnaire the other day, and here is the way he filled it out:

Lillian Tashman paid a visit to Edmund Lowe at the Goldwyn Studios and the rumor of their engagement was revived. Mr. Lowe is the Don John of In the Palace of the King.

Name: Harry Myers.

Born: Yes.

Lived: In luxury until I was weaned. Since then it's been a devil of a struggle.

Educated: At all saloons north of the Mason and Dixon line.

Pets: Directors, stars and cameramen.

Father's profession: He hated work, too. Just a good talker.

How entered films: Had something on Lubin, Laemmle, Beaumont, Lasky, and Warner Bros., and unless I get some work for Louis Mayer soon, I'll pull one on him.

Company: Do you mean who I go with?

(Signed) Harry Myers.

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Baby Peggy is a famous star and all that, but she has to mind her p's and q's. Her mama is very anxious to keep her little girl surrounded by the best of influences. So she was rather up-set when her baby came home from visiting her auntie at a week-end party for grown-ups at the beach the other day. Mrs. Montgomery wanted to know if the host had said grace at dinner.

"What did Mr. B——— say, dear," she asked.

"Oh," said Peggy, "he said, 'We'll be seated now.'"

"And then what," pursued mama.

"He said," Peggy answered, "'never mind putting too much orange juice in it!'"