Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/77

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The Hollywood Exodus

They're coming back, all of Hollywood's little film pilgrims to the wicked shores of New York. Harold Lloyd and Mildred Davis Lloyd are back from their honeymoon in Gotham, speaking in awed tones of the wonderful time they had. Only the Follies didn't come up to expectations, with Will Rogers gone. For Will is in Hollywood, too, now.

Which reminds us that Will was one of the reasons that Harold Lloyd packed up and left Hal Roach, according to rumor. Harold had been having some friendly disputes with Roach over salary But when Roach brought a rival comedian to the studio where Harold had reigned alone for so long, the dissatisfaction came to a head, and Harold took his doll rags and went over to the Hollywood studios. And took his whole organization with him.

Tommy Meighan is back, too. Again. It's hard to keep track of Tommy, he's back and forth so frequently. This time Tommy received all reporters at one fell swoop before leaving the big town, and entertained them in B. V. D's and black dressing gown, the while he threw shirts and socks into his bag. No, Ellabelle, the reporters were all men.

Rin-Tin-Tin, the canine movie star, gives a demonstration of high jumping at the Los Angeles Motion Picture Exposition.
Rin-Tin-Tin, the canine movie star, gives a demonstration of high jumping at the Los Angeles Motion Picture Exposition.

Rin-Tin-Tin, the canine movie star, gives a demonstration of high jumping at the Los Angeles Motion Picture Exposition.

Lila Lee is another prodigal who has deserted the bright lights for the Kliegs, Agnes Ayres decided that she was needed at home, too, so now Bebe Daniels is the only Paramount star still A. W. O. L., and the Paramount lot is looking less like a set for The Deserted Village.

George Ade, who came to the coast again to work on another story for his friend, Tommy Meighan, announced that Hollywood has progressed wonderfully since he was here three years ago.

"It then took two minutes to cross Hollywood boulevard, owing to the traffic," he said. "Now it takes five minutes."

One of the first "stills" of the first Potash and Perlmutter production, with Barney Bernard, as Abe Potash, a very puzzled invader of the model's dressing room.

Fatty in Germany

They aren't so fussy in Germany, and the censors

(Continued on page 86)