Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/93

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Naldi and Barbara La Marr are the enigmas of the screen. What do they wear under those slinky, tight-fitting evening gowns? Why do their clothes fit them so perfectly? Why is it impossible to detect a wrinkle or a crease on the surface of those satin garments? Could it be possible that—?

After all, why not? Since we have discarded layers and layers of flannelette and long-cloth, anything might happen. Perhaps, it has.

It is reported that elaborate experiments are being made by Thomas H. Lice's cameramen to get new fog effects for the impressive fog scene in "Anna Christie," Eugene O'Neill's play, which Mr. Ince is making.

The old fog machines that blew a cloud of silver dust in front of the cameras have recently been discarded in favor of smoke pots, which give a good effect when used on "sets," but which are hardly practical for exterior scenes made "on location."

The fog sequence in "Anna Christie" is one of the most effective scenes in the play. In reproducing this scene on the screen great care, it is said, must be taken to make it evident that the hazy, silhouetted outlines are done intentionally and are not the result of poor photography.

It is thought by Mary Pickford's management that at no time in the history of films has a greater variety of locales been selected by producers than those which form settings for pictures soon to be released. Regarding this Mary Pickford said: "The reason for this is that until a comparatively short time ago the majority of pictures were set in American locales, and naturally there was a tendency of the public to tire of such settings. Consequently producers are now striving for variety by seeking not only to get stories that are different, but also to place their stories in foreign locales. This way of obtaining a change can be compared to the practice of many persons changing the setting of their jewels." Miss Pickford's new picture, "The Street Singer," is a Spanish story of how a beautiful street singer extricates herself from the clutches of a decadent king.

According to Samuel Goldwyn, Rex Beach and Rupert Hughes are the only well-known authors who understand the technique of the screen. Both these men direct the screen versions of their own novels. Mr. Hughes has recently returned to Hollywood after a visit to New York, where he witnessed the opening of his "Souls for Sale," based on his novel of the same name, which Harpers published last year.

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