Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/94

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'Regular Swing-Out, Hand-ejecting, Left-Hand Wheeler Revolver

32.20 or 38 Cal.
6 Shot


A powerful six shot gun: made especially for Rangers, mountaineers and men working in unprotected places, requiring a safe and efficient weapon. Quick as a flash, with great penetrating power and true marksmanship. Carry this gun with you, and you will feel fully protected. Made of best tube steel, ribbed barrel. Hammer with safety. Fires regular, short and 13ng 32.20 or 38 caliber ammunition. $14.50.

20 Shot Automatic Pistol

The biggest bargain ever offered. Built of best blue steel, checkered grip, safety. Every one brand new and inspected. Shoots all standdard .32 cal. cartridges. 10 shot, with extra magazine, making 20 quick; hard and straight shots. Buy several while they last, at our unheard price, $9.50 (regular $35). Pocket size, .25 cal. 7 shot, $7.80.

SEND NO MONEY—Pay on arrival, our bargain price, plus 1 few cents postage. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Order today. NOW.

HE PRICE CUTTING CO.,55 Broadway, New York

Sorrows For Sale

(Continued from page 67)

name twisted on him, and now he's Wally Reid, Jr.

Juanita Hansen was a fairly well known motion picture actress before she interrupted her career by letting the drug habit get the best of her. On the tide of sentiment aroused by Wallace Reid's gallant fight and pitiful death, Juanita Hansen rode into the safe port of a gorgeous vaudeville contract.

A crushing sorrow or a great personal calamity causes a motion picture star's stock to jump. Mildred Harris, for instance, was a little blond ingenue in pictures. Nobody particularly noticed Mildred Harris, until she married Charlie Chaplin.

But the public is a fickle jade. You can never tell just what type of sorrow will go over big. Rodolph Valentino stepped pretty lightly when he first broke with Famous Players-Lasky. He couldn't be quite sure how the public would take his wares. He had several distinct brands of sorrows to sell. First, he knew he was a good actor on a salary which did not look so big in Hollywood, where others not so good were drawing down two or three times as much. Second, he had been divorced by his pretty wife, Jean Acker, and then thirdly, given the very deuce of a time by the California authorities over his marriage with his true affinity, Natacha Rambova. An overdose of romantic troubles, suffered by Tom Mix or Buck Jones, would have been fatal to popularity. Tears of sorrow would have turned to tears of mirth. But the romantic Italian got away with it in fine shape!

Jean Acker, strangely enough, took her wares to the same market and did pretty well, thank you. Her particular sorrow for sale was that Valentino hadn't let her in on the secret that he was going to become America's Sheik, and that she had divorced him, and that now the ungrateful boy didn't want her to use his name. She managed to headline vaudeville bills throughout the country, in spite of the fact that she apparently received scant sympathy.

Sympathy comes from devious sources, and, if adroitly taken advantage of, can be turned into most satisfyingly chill hard cash. Take the case of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Subtly the public feels a going out of the heart toward this thirteen-year-old boy who has been reared away from his wonderful father's influence.

How to Beautify Your
Eyes in One Minute

Just a wee touch of "MAYBELLINE" and your eyebrows and lashes will appear naturally dark, long and luxurious. Instantly and unfailingly the eyes appear larger, deeper and more brilliant. The remarkable improvement in your beauty and expression will astonish and delight you. "MAYBELLINE" is different from other preparations, that is why it is the largest selling eyelash beautifier in the world. It will not spread and smear on the face or make the lashes stiff. Each dainty box contains brush and mirror. Two shades, Brown for Blonds, Black for Brunettes. Purchase a box of "MAYBELLINE", use it once and you will never be without it again. 75c at your dealer's or direct from us, post-paid. Accept only genuine "MAYBELLINE" and your satisfaction is assured. Tear out this ad now as a reminder.

MAYBELLINE CO., 4750-98Sheridan Road, CHICAGO



The Genuine—Patented—

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MONEY- PRICE—AN ILL-SHAPED NOSE, like an" ILL SHAPED TREE. begs for SUPPORT and READ- JUSTMENT. Wear the Anita Nose Adjuster, place flesh and muscle where it belongs and gain perfect lines and BEAUTY. The ANITA NOSE ADJUST- ER is scientifically constructed, easily applied, and worn in complete comfort. It. Is HIGHLY EN- DORSED ]SY LEADING PHYSICIANS. SATIS- FACTION GUARANTEED or MONEY REFUNDED. Send today for FREE booklet. "HAPPY DAYS AHEAD." Fill out order form, return it to us, and you may pay for the Ad-' justt-r when it reaches you.



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