Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/221

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The First North Carolina Volunteers. 215

As soon as all the companies shall have assembled the command- ing officers will hold an election for field officers of the regiment.

Such of the above companies as may be stationed in this city will proceed to Weldon, N. C, on Saturday morning, the nth instant, and report to the commander of the Camp of Instruction.

All orders heretofore issued inconsistent with the foregoing are hereby annulled.

Arms will be issued to the troops as soon as they shall have been organized into regiments.

By order of the Governor.

J. F. HOKE, Adjutant- General.


RALEIGH, May 12, 1861. Special Orders, No. 2.

The following return of the election for field officers for the regiment of volunteers, organized at the Camp of Instruction in this city, pursuant to General Orders, No. 7, from this office, dated May 9, 1861, is published for the information of all concerned:


RALEIGH, May n, 1861. To General}. F. HOKE,

Adjutant- General :

SIR : In accordance with instructions, I hereby transmit the result of the election this day held for field officers of the First North Carolina regiment.

For Colonel.

D. H. Hill received six hundred and fifty-two votes ; Charles C. Lee, thirty-nine ; C. C. Tew, two ; scattering, three.

For Lieutenant- Colonel.

Charles C. Lee received six hundred and fifty-seven votes; Mr. Burgwyn, twenty-nine; D. H. Hill, thirteen ; Major Stokes, two ; scattering, four.