Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 4.djvu/16

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Contents of Volume IV
To James A. Garfield, January 2d 78
Garfield's task more difficult than that of Hayes—Future of Republican party dependent on success of his Administration—Cabinet should be chosen for their ability, energy and integrity, rather than to please the party—Schurz discusses the merits of several whose names have been suggested.
To James A. Garfield, January 16th 84
“Geographical question” in choosing Cabinet of less importance than efficiency—General tendency toward independence in politics—“Boss-rule” a menace to Republican party—Democrats in earnest about civil service reform—Garfield's Administration must be clean, and able in managing public business.
To James A. Garfield, January 28th 88
Indispensable qualifications for a Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Francis A. Walker recommended.
To Henry L. Dawes, February 7th 91
Case of Big Snake reviewed—Dawes's misrepresentations—Official evidence quoted to prove that Poncas were content to remain in Indian Territory—Let the Poncas at last have rest.
From James Freeman Clarke, February 17th 114
Congratulates Schurz on his able defense of his Indian policy.
From Edward Eggleston, February 22d 114
The “large-minded wisdom” shown by Schurz while Secretary of the Interior.
To James A. Garfield, February 22d 115
Importance of a good Cabinet and a business Administration—Anxious to see Garfield succeed.
From Ex-President Hayes, March 10th 115
Acknowledges gratifying letter from Schurz—Hopes they will always be friends—Cordial invitation to “Spiegel Grove.”
From Ex-President Hayes, June 1st 115
Desirous of reading Schurz's editorial articles—Busy and happy in private life—Interesting himself in local affairs.