Page:Systems-of-Sanskrit-Grammar-SK Belvalkar.pdf/44

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Systems of Sanskrit Grammar §23] The Käsikä was once believed to be the work of one author variously called Vamana, Jayaditya, or Vamana- Jayaditya. It has now been found out that they are two distinct persons. Bhattoji Dikshita clearly distinguishes between their views,' and the concurrent testimony of Mss. from all parts of India assigns to Jayaditya the authorship of the first five chapters of it, while the last three belong to Vamana, who probably came soon after Jayaditya and certainly before the time of Jinendra- buddhi, who comments upon the whole work.2 Regarding the personality of the authors of the Käsika little definite is known. Neither of them begins his work with any mañigala, both exhibit an unorthodox tendency to introduce changes into the wording of the sūtras, and Jayaditya at any rate refers on i. 1. 36, with evident satisfaction, to the work of the Lokayatikas.³ These reasons tend to show that the author or authors were Bauddhas, It is supposed that Jayaditya is to be identified with king Jayapila of Käśmir, whose mini- ster, as mentioned by Kalhana, was a person named Vamana. This may not be strictly accurate. Dr. Bühler believed that the author was a native of Kāśmir. at least a contemporary of Bhartrihari the author of theo Vakyapadiya. Tumana who 2 probably wrote the last three chapters of the Kāśika came soon after Juyaditya, and Jinendrabuddhi, the author of 3 the Nyasa on the Kasika came probably before 750, seeing that he is quoted by so early an author as Bhumaha. Coin- pare also J. B. B. R. A. S. for 1909, p. 94; Indian Antiquary, xii, pp. 232-237 and xuii, pp. 253-264, 1 Compare the start on Panini v. 4. 42: &c. On the question of the different authorship of the Kasika ses Dr. Bhandarkar's Report for 1888-84, p. 58. See Bala Sastri's edition of the Kasika, p. 62-art : 1 starf graf: futi Bro facuta ar ga Dr. Bütbler's Report for 1875-76, p. 73.