Page:Tamil proverbs.pdf/24

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  1. (continuation from previous page)
    Said when great expectations are entertained of something that is likely to prove illusory: an amusing story is told about this proverb.

  2. அக்கினி மலைமேல் கர்ப்பூரபாணம் பிரயோகித்ததுபோல.
    As one discharged a camphor arrow at a burning mountain.
    Spoken of an act done to injure another, fruitless or inadequate, and possibly destructive of the means employed.

  3. அக்கினி தேவனுக்கு அபிஷேகம் செய்ததுபோல் இருக்கிறான்.
    He is as if a libation had been poured out to the god of fire.
    Used of one naturally very black, who on hearing the proverb if he understands its purport, is of course very angry. When water is poured on burning charcoal the cinders appear exceedingly black. The intended reflection is not the less insulting because of the complimentary way in which it is conveyed.

  4. அக்கினியாற் சுட்ட புண் விஷமிக்காது.
    A cauterized wound will not fester much.

  5. அக்குத்தொக்கு இல்லாதவனுக்குத் துக்கம் என்ன?
    Whence sorrow to him who has no connections?
    Said of one who is so obscure and isolated as to have no one whose griefs he can share or assuage.

  6. அங்கத்தை ஆற்றில் அலைசொணாதா?
    Is it improper to bathe in a river?

  7. அங்கத்தைக் கொண்டுபோய் ஆற்றில் அலைசினாலும், தோஷம் இல்லை.
    Although he take his body and wash it in the river, no fault will be found.

  8. அங்கத்தைக் கொன்று ஆற்றில் சேர்க்கவொண்ணாது.
    A body that has been deprived of life (murdered) may not be put into a river.

  9. அங்காங்கு வைபோகமாயிருக்கிறான், இங்கே பார்த்தால் அரைக்காசு முதலும் இல்லை.
    He is seen everywhere enjoying himself: when looked at in his homestead, he is not worth half a cash.