Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/8

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V. Differences, i. e. Increments or Decrements infinitely ſmall, uſed by foreign Mathematicians inſtead of Fluxions or Velocities of naſcent and evaneſcent Increments.

VI. Differences of various Orders, i. e. Quantities infinitely leſs than Quntities infinitely little; and infiniteſimal Parts, of infiniteſimals of infiniteſimals, &. without end or limit.

VII. Mysteries in faith unjuſtly objected againſt by thoſe who admit them in Science.

VIII. Modern Analyſts ſuppoſed by themſelves to extend their views even beyond infinity: Deluded by their own Species or Symbols.

IX. Method for finding the Fluxion of a Rectangle of two indeterminate Quantities, ſhewed to be illegitimate and falſe.

X. Implicit Deference of Mathematicalmen for the great Author of Fluxions. Their earneſtineſs rather to go on faſt and far, than to ſet out warily and ſee their way diſtinctly.

XI. Momen-