Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/9

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XI. Momentums difficult to comprehend. No middle Quantity to be admitted between a finite Quantity and nothing, without admitting Infiniteſimals.

XII. The Fluxion of any Power of a flowing Quantity. Lemma premiſed in order to examine the method for finding ſuch Fluxion.

XIII. The rule for the Fluxions of Powers attained by unfair reaſoning.

XIV. The aforeſaid reaſoning farther unfolded and ſhew'd to be illogical.

XV. No true Concluſion to be juſtly drawn by direct conſequence from inconſiſtent Suppoſitions. The ſame Rules of right reaſon to be obſerved, whether Men argue in Symbols or in Words.

XVI. An Hypotheſis being deſtroyed, no conſequence of ſuch Hypotheſis to be retained.

XVII. Hard to diſtinguiſh between evaneſcent Increments and infiniteſimal Differences. Fluxions placed in various Lights. The great Author, it ſeems, not ſatisfied with his own Notions.

XVIII. Quan-