Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/189

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bank of the river. This I shall do on the day 7 Ahmak." Thus did this priest of the Demon speak to the chiefs. Truly the chiefs thought that they should trust in the words of this man. It was when they were gathering the gold that we went forth.

How We went forth from the City.

155. The day 7 Ahmak was that of the going forth. They deserted the city of Iximche on account of the priest of the Demon, and the chiefs left it. "Yes, truly, Tunatiuh shall die," said they. "There is no more war in the heart of Tunatiuh, as he now rejoices in the gold given him." Thus it was that our city was abandoned on the day 7 Ahmak on account of a priest of the Demon, O my children.

156. But what the chiefs did was soon known to Tunatiuh. Ten days after we had left the city, war was begun by Tunatiuh. On the day 4 Camey began our destruction. Then began our misery. We scattered in the forests; all our towns were taken, O my children; we were slaughtered by Tunatiuh. The Castilians entered the city and they arrived as to a deserted spot. From that time the Castilians were hated by the Cakchiquels. They made trenches, they dug pitfalls, that the horses might be killed, and war was waged by their men. Many men of the Castilians were slain, and many horses killed in the pitfalls. The Quiches and Tzutuhils were destroyed and all their villages ruined by the Cakchiquels. Only thus did the Castilians let them live, and only thus were they let live by all the villagers. One hundred and eighty days after the desertion of the city of Iximche was completed the ninth year (of the second cycle).

On the day 2 Ah was completed the 29th year after the Revolt.