Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/56

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54 SANDWICH— SANDYS. spec, mission to Constantinople, Sep. 1858 ; to the Garter mission to Berlin, Feb. 1 SGI, ami to the spec. Embassy there, Oct 1881. M.P. Cor Huntingdonshire, 1S7G ami 1S80-S4 ; sue. to the peerage, as above, 3 March 1881. Faiui/i/ Estates.— These, iu 1SS3, consisted of 5,2S0 acres in Dorset, 3,21!) in Hun. tingdous'hire and "28 in Cornwall, besides 2.S44 iu co. Limerick. Total 1 1,377 acres, worth £16,423 a year, Irimipal seat. Hinchiubroke house, co. Huntingdon, aud Hooke house, near Bedaiiuster, Dorset. SANDY. See "Peel OF Sandy, co. Bedford" (Peel), Vi.<countcy, cr. 1895. SANDYS OF OMBEKSLEY. Barony. 1. Samuel Sandys, of Omberslcy, co. Worcester, and t 174.5 h. of Edwin Sandys, by Alice, da. of Sir James UusilOUT, Bart., which Edwin was s. and h. ap. of Samuel Sandys('>) of Omberslcy afsd, but d. v.p. in 1699. He was h. 10 and hap. 11 Aug, 1695, at Greenwich ; sue. to the family estates on the death of his grandfather, 1 Auk'. 1701 ; mat. at Oxford (New Coll.), 28 April 1711 j M.P. for Worcester in 5 l'arls., 1713-13 ; B.C., 1742 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer and one of the Lords of the Treasury, 1742-43 ; Cofferer of the Household, 1743-44 ; and was cr, 20 Dec. 1713, LOUD SANDYS, BAHON OF OMBEKSLEY, co. Worcester; Treasurer of the Chamber, 1747-55 i Ch. Justice in Eyre, south of Trent, 1750 ; Speaker of the House of Lord*, 17.00; President of the Board of Trade. 1701-03. He »>. 9 June 1725,( b ) at Ely chapel, St. Andrew's, Holborn, Letithea, 1st da. and coheir of Sir Thomas TlPPISO, | Bart., of Whitfield, co. Oxon, by Anue, da. and h. of Thomas Chekkk, of Rrgo, CO, Essex. He d. 21 April 1770, aged 74, and was bur. at Omber»ley.(«) Will pr. April 1770. His widow d. May 1779, and was bur. as afsd. Will pr. June 1779. II. 1770, 2. Edwin (Sandys), Lord Sandys, Baron of Ombeus- to ley, 1st s. and h. b. 18 April and bap. 14 May 1726, at St. James', 1797, Westm. ; mat. at Oxford (New Coll.), 21 May 1743; cr. D.C.L., 8 ' July 1756 ; M.P. for Droitwich, 1747-54 ; for Bossiney, 1754-02, anil for Westminster, 1702-70 ; a Lord of the Admiralty. April to July, 1757 ; sue. to the, peerage, 21 April 1770. He m. 20 Jan. 1769, Auua Maria, widow of William Payne Kino, of Fiushade Abbey, Northampton,^) sister of Sir Jauies Colkukooke, Bart, (so er. 1759), da. of James Coleuiiooke, Cit. aud Mercer ol London, by Mary, da. of (— ) Hudson. He d. "immensely rich," at Ombersley Court, 11 March 1797, aged 70, and was bur. at Ombersley, when the title became extinct. His widow d. as above 1 Nov. 1806, in her 87th year, and was bur. at Ombersley. Her will pr. 1S06. III. 1802. 1. Mary, Dow. Marchioness of Downshire, da. and h. of the Hon. Martin Sandys (a Col. in the army) of Easthampstead Park, co. Berks, by Mary, da. and h. of William Thumbull, of the same, by Mary, da. and coheir of Montague (Bi.undmx), Viscount Blundell [I.] (which Martin Sandys, who d. 26 Dec. 1768, aged 39, was 4th of the seven sons, and the only one who had issue, of Samuel, 1st ISakon Sandys of Omukhsley abovenanml) was b. 19 Sep. 1774, m. 29 June 1786, at St. Maryleboue (spec, lie), Arthur (HiU. (') This Samuel was great grandson aud h. of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, (1577-88), all being of Ombersley afsd. (•') The marriage at Greenwich by "lie. Cant" of "Samuel Sandys and Mary," 28 May 1728, probably refers to Samuel, son of his uncle, Martin Sandys. ( c ) Smollett calls him "the motion maker." H. Wnlpole speaks slightingly "f htm, but Dr. Nash (iu his " Worcestershire") states him to have beeu " a very useful, diligent senator, a warm steady friend, a good neighbour, aud a most hospitable country gentleman and provincial magistrate." (<i) He left the whole of his estate and large fortune to his widow.