Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/306

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288 DESPENSER Military Council, 14 June (1287) 15 Edw. I, and to attend the King at Shrewsbury, 28 June (1283) 11 Edw. I, by writs directed Ade le Despenser.{^) He m., istly, Lucy. He m., 2ndly, Joan. He d. shortly before 18 June i295.() His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 28 Aug. 1295 and 27 Nov. I297.("=) She m., 2ndly, Sir John LovEL, of Snoscombe, Northants, and d. before 25 June iZ°9^)- ^^ was living 5 IVIar. 1315/6.0 I. 1387. DESPENSERQ BARONY BY i. Sir Philip le Despenser,(6) of Goxhill, Gedney, WRIT. and Roxholme, co. Lincoln, Camoys Manor in Toppes- field, Essex, Colden in Holderness, ^c.,(^) s. and h. of Sir Philip le Despenser, of Camoys Manor afsd. (who was b. in co. Lincoln, 6 Apr. 1313,0 and d. 22 or 23 Aug. (») As to the writ of 1283 see preface. (*>) "Adam le Despenser." Writs of diem cl. ext. 18 and 19 June 23 Edw. I. Inq., CO. Gloucester (3), Monday and Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul [4, 5 July], and 1 2 July 1295. He held the manor of Leckhampton, partly of the King in chief, by the serjeanty of being the King's dhpemator on Christmas, Easter day, and Whit- sunday, partly of the Abbot of Fecamp, and partly of the Berkeleys, Lords of Cub- berley: and the manor of King's Stanley, fee, of the King in chief. "Almaricus filius predicti Ade est ejus heres propinquior et est etatis xxx* annorum et amplius or quadraginta annorum]." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 70, no. 28: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 3, no. 16). He had sold Ewelme, Burgham, and Rollright, and his son Aymer sold King's Stanley, and also Oldberrow, co. Worcester. {Inq. a. q. d., file 22, no. 27; file 62, no. 19; file 76, no. 3; file 83, no. 22; file 92, no. 21: Patent Rolls, 34 Edw. I, ra. 19; 2 Edw. II, p. 2, m. $; 4 Edw. II, p. 2, m. 17; 8 Edw. 11,/.. 2, m. 20: Close Roll, 15 Edw. I, m. 5). {f) She had been given her quarantine on 21 July 1295. Her dower on the manor of Rollright was assigned, Tuesday after the Conversion of St. Paul [28 Jan.] 1297/8. {Close Rolls, 23 Edw. I, mm. 8, 6; 26 Edw. , m. IJ; 34 Edw. I, m. 17: Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 124, no. 3). C) John Luvel of Snoscombe to retain for life the manor and advowson of Leckhampton, which had been acquired by him from Aymer le Despenser, at a time when the said John and Joan his wife nuper defuncta held the premises in right of Joan of the inheritance of Aymer. Writ 25 June 2 Edw. II, Inq. a. q. d. 9 July 1309 (file 74, no. 24). (') Feudal Aids, vol. ii, p. 273. (0 This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. («) This family of Despenser assumed the arms of Gousille, v/z., Barry of six Or and Azure, a canton Ermine. i^) He held the following manors: Gedney, ^^ fee, and lands in Holderness, as of the honour of Aumale; Goxhill, 1 fee, and Roxholme, fee, as of the barony of Bayeux; Toppesfield, 2^ fees, as of the honour of Gloucester; Great Limber, co. Lincoln, of the King, in socage; and East Halton, Pointon, i^c, co. Lincoln, or other lords than the King. He appears to have held nothing of the King in chief as of the Crown by military service. (') Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Philip le Despenser), Edw. II, file 34, no. 5.