Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/566

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548 DUNRAVEN MOUNT-EARL [I.]. He m., istly, 24 Aug. 1777, Frances Muriel, da. of Stephen (Fox-Strangways), ist Earl of Ilchester, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Thomas Horner. She, who was b. Aug. 1755, d. (as Baroness Adare) 5 Mar. 18 14, and was bur. in Redland Green Chapel, co. Glou- cester. He »;., 2ndly, 26 Feb. 18 16, Margaret Mary, widow of Col. Arthur Blennerhasset, and before that of George L'Estrange, da. of James Coghlan, of Cloghan House, King's Co. She d. (as Viscountess Mount-Earl) 6 Nov. 1821, in the Circus, Bath. He d. 24 Aug. 1824, aged 72, at the residence of her son, in the Vale of Neath. Will pr. 1824. II. 1824. 2. Windham Henry (Wyndham-Quin), Earl of DuNRAVEN AND Mount-Earl, &c. [I.], s. and h., i^. 24 Sep. 1782; ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.) 28 May 1799; M.P. (Whig) for CO. Limerick, i8o6-20;(*) Custos Rot. of co. Limerick, 1818-50; styled Viscount Adare, 1822-24; proved his right to vote at the election of Rep. Peers [I.] 7 Apr. 1826; Rep. Peer [I.], 1839-50. He w., 27 Dec. 1 8 10, Caroline, da. and h. of Thomas Wyndham, of Dunraven Castle, CO. Glamorgan, by Anna Maria Charlotte, da. of Thomas Ashby, of Isleworth. His wife having, in 18 14, inherited her father's estates, he by royal lie, 7 Apr. 1 8 1 5, took the name of M-^yndham before his patronymic of Quin. He d. at Adare Abbey, co. Limerick, 6 Aug. 1 850, in his 68th year. Will pr. Jan. i85i.() His widow d. 16 May 1870, in her 8ist year, at Clearwell Court, near Coleford, co. Gloucester. Will pr. 23 July 1870, under ;^90,ooo. III. 1850. 3. Edwin Richard Wyndham (Wyndham-Quin), Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl, i^c. [I.], s. and h., b. 19 May 18 12, in London, j/jy/f^y Viscount Adare, 1824-50; ed. at Eton 1826-29; B.A. Dubhn 1833; F.R.S. 10 Apr. 1834; M.P. (Conserva- tive) for CO. Glamorgan 1837 to Feb. i85i;('^) proved his right to vote at the election of Rep. Peers [I.] 1851; a Commissioner of National Edu- cation [I.] 1 861-71; Lord Lieut, co. Limerick 1864-71; F.S.A. 6 Apr. 1865; K.P. 13 Mar. 1866. On 12 June 1866, he was cr. BARON KENRY,n CO. Limerick [U.K.]. He m., rstly, 18 Aug. 1836, Augusta, 3rd da. of Thomas Goold, of Merrion Sq., Dublin, a Master in Chancery [I.], by Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. Brinsley Nixon, Rector (*) In his later years he was a Conservative, but followed Peel when he betrayed his party in the matter of the Corn Laws. V.G. (*>) Aubrey de Vere writes of " his keenness of wit, discriminate selection of language, force and felicity of illustration," but adds "so sensitive was his temperament that to address a board of magistrates or of poor law guardians was to him a painful effort." V.G. (') He became a Liberal when a peer, and was rewarded with a Barony [U.K.] by Earl Russell. V.G. C^) As to Peerage titles [U.K.] selected by Scottish and Irish peers, see note sub John, Earl of Enniskillen [1803].