Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/60

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44 DAMORY against the King's will and without his licence, (^) Sir Theobald de Verdun, of Alton, CO. Stafford [Lord Verdun], who d. at Alton Castle, 27 July, and was bur. 19 Sep. 13 16, in Croxden Abbey-C") She, who had livery of her dower [E.], 6 Dec. 13 16, had, with her 3rd husband, livery of the knights' fees and advowsons of her said dower, 26 June, of her dower [I.], 26 Sep., and, the King having taken his fealty 22 May, of her inheritance, 15 Nov. I3i7.('=) He <2'. 13 or 14 Mar. 132 1/2, at Tutbury Castle,('^) and was bur. in St. Mary's, Ware.(') On 16 Mar. his widow was imprisoned in the Abbey of Barking, and there, under duress and fear of death for herself and her son, was forced to grant her lordships in Wales to the younger Despenser and his wife.Q She had livery of her inheritance in England and Ireland, 2 Nov. 1322.(8) At Christmas following, at the instigation of the younger Despenser, she was placed under arrest at York, till she signed a bond by which she undertook not to marry nor to dispose of any of her lands without the King's licence, on pain of forfeiting all she possessed.() (") The marriage took place "die Mercurii proxima post festum Purificacionis beate Marie anno etc' nono . . . extra dictum castrum [Bristoll'] ad unam leucam." {Pari. Roll, Exch., no. 20, m. 3). See Verdun. (*>) " M™° CCC"" Sextodecimo . . . vj kl' Augusti qui erat dies Martis mane diluculo dominus T. de Verdun' . . . apud Castrum de Alveton' ab hac luce migravit Sepultusque est apud Crokesden' . . . xiij™" kl' Octobris s. die Sancti Sequani Abbatis." {Annales Abb. de Crokesden, in Cotton MSS., Faust., B 6, part I, f. 80). (<=) Close Rolls, 10 Edw. II, mm. 19, 4, 3, 2; II Edw. II, m. 20: Fine Roll, 1 1 Edw. II, m. 6. C^) " Rex castrum comitis de Tuttebiry cepit ubi inventus fuit dominus Rogerus Damary et alii vuhierati." {Gesta Edwardi auct. Bridlington. ,^1. J ^). "Repperitautem rex apud Tottebury Rogerum Dammori in extremis laborantem; erat enim infirmitas ad mortem quia non vixit ultra tercium diem: et bene quidem et honeste sibi contigit quod ad finem desolatum cum sociis non duravit. Iste Rogerus olim pauper miles et tenuis ob industriam et probitatem suam factus est regis specialis, quamobrem dedit ei rex neptem suam in uxorem et de comitatu Gloucestrie que contingebat eam terciam partem. Sed quia cum baronibus contra regem tenuit, notam ingratitudinis a multis reportavit." {Vita Edwardi auct. Malmesber., p. 268). " Dominus Rogerus Dammery mortuus est pulcre in lecto suo apud Tuttebyry in castello." (Knighton, vol. i, p. 427). " Sire Roger Dammory morust pur deol de droit mort a Tuttebury." {French Chron. of London, p. 44, and Cotton MSS., Cleop., A 6, f. 72 v). («) M.I. there, to him and his wife, in Weever, Fun. Mon. (edit. 1767), p. 311. (') The castles and manors of Usk, Tregruk [Llangibby], and Caerieon, and 19 other manors and advowsons. She had livery thereof, 25 July 1322, doubtless in order that she should make the enfeoffment. In the licence, 10 July 1322, the trans- action appears as a mere exchange of the above for the castles and manors of Swansea, Oystermouth, ^c. Cf. the entry of the bond for j^i 2,000 extorted by the Despensers from Roger Damory, i June 131 7. Both these transactions were annulled in the next reign. {Close Rolls, 10 Edw. II, m. 5 d, schedule; 15 Edw. II, m. 16; 16 Edw. II, m. 32: Charter Roll, 16 Edw. II, m. 7: Patent Rolls, 16 Edw. II, p. I, m. 33; I Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 20; 3 Edw. Ill, p. i, m. 30 d; 8 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 12). (8) Close Roll, 16 Edw. II, 7n. 23. (•>) Pari. Rolls, vol. ii, p. 440. Bond annulled in full Pari., 5 Mar. I Edw. Ill, as against law and against all reason.