Page:The Conquest of Mexico Volume 2.djvu/12

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Conquest of Mexico

chap page
I. Arrangements at Tezcuco — Sack of Iztapalapan — Advantages of the Spaniards — Wise Policy of Cortés — Transportation of the Brigantines 177
II. Cortés reconnoitres the Capital — Occupies Tacuba — Skirmishes with the Enemy — Expedition or Sandoval — Arrival of Reinforcements 190
III. Second Reconnoitring Expedition — Engagements on the Sierra — Capture of Cuernavaca — Battles at Xochimilco — Narrow Escape of Cortés — He enters Tacuba 202
IV. Conspiracy in the Army — Brigantines Launched — Muster of Forces — Execution of Xicotencatl — March of the Army — Beginning of the Siege 218
V. Indian Flotilla defeated — Occupation of the Causeways — Desperate Assaults — Firing of the Palaces — Spirit of the Besieged — Barracks for the Troops 231
VI. General Assault on the City — Defeat of the Spaniards — Their disastrous Condition — Sacrifice of the Captives — Defection of the Allies — Constancy of the Troops 250
VII. Success of the Spaniards — Fruitless Offers to Guatemozin — Buildings razed to the Ground — Terrible Famine — The Troops gain the Market-place — Battering Engine 265
VIII. Dreadful Sufferings of the Besieged — Spirit of Guatemozin — Murderous Assaults — Capture of Guatemozin — Evacuation of the City — Termination of the Siege — Reflections 278
I. Torture of Guatemozin — Submission of the Country — Rebuilding of the Capital — Mission to Castile — Complaints against Cortés — He is confirmed in his Authority 309
II. Modern Mexico — Settlement of the Country — Condition of the Natives — Christian Missionaries — Cultivation of the Soil — Voyages and Expeditions 322
III. Defection of Olid — Dreadful March to Honduras — Execution of Guatemozin — Dona Marina — Arrival at Honduras 332
IV. Disturbances in Mexico — Return of Cortés — Distrust of the Court — Cortés returns to Spain — Death of Sandoval — Brilliant reception of Cortés — Honours conferred on him 346
V. Cortés revisits Mexico — Retires to his Estates — His Voyages of Discovery — Final Return to Castile — Cold Reception — Death of Cortés — His Character 360
Appendix 381
Notes to Vol. II. 413
Index 1 471
Index 2 479
