Page:The London Gazette 19346.djvu/8

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NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting bteween the undersigned, in the business of Upholders, Cabinet-Makers, and Undertakers, and carried on in Pal1-Mall, under the firm of Banting and Son, was dissolved on the 31st December 1835; and that in future the said business will .be carried on by Thomas Banting the elder.— Dated the 12th January 1836.

Thomas Banting.
William Bunting.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting Itrtween us the undersigned, in trade or business of Iroutoundeis, and carried on at Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, under the firm of Richard Cheshire and Co. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that all debts due to or owing by the said late Copartnership will be received and paid by William Newall.—Dated this 8th day of January 1836.

Willm. Newall.
Richard Cheshire.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, James Ashworth the younger and John Webster, of No. 231, Bermondsey-Street, in the Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, in the County of Surrey, Curriers, lately carrying on trade under the firm of Ashworth and Webster, was, on the 7th day of January instant, dissolved by mutual consent.—Dated this 11th day of January 1836.

James Ashworth, jr.
'Jno. Webster.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, William Morgan and John Morrison, and carried on under the firm of Morrison and Company, as Common-Brewers and Maltsters, in the Counties of Monmouth, Brecon, and Glamorgan, was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 31st day of October last, and that the said businesses will in future be carried on by the said William Morgan alone; and all debts due and owing by or to the said concern will be received and paid by the said William Morgan, at the Counting-House heretofore occupied by us as Copartners, situate in Lion-Street, in the Town of Ahergavenny, in the said County of Monmouth.—Witness our hands this 2d day of December 1835.

William Morgan.
John Morisson.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership subsisting between us the undersigned. James Bryant and Matthew George Phare, of the Borough of Plymouth, in the County of Devon, Starch-Manufacturers, under the firm of Bryant and Phare, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the said late firm are hereby desired forthwith to pay the amount of their debts at the Counting-House of the said James Bryant, in Mill-Lane, in the said Borough of Plymouth, and all persons having claims thereon-are desired immediately to send the particulars thereof to the said Counting-House of the said James Bryant, in order that the same may be arranged for payment: As witness our hands this 8th day of January 1836.

James Bryant.
Matthew George Phare.

ALL persons having- any claim or demand upon the estate of the Right Honourable Thomas Earl Nelson, deceased, are requested to send an account thereof forthwith to Messrs. Fladgate, Young, and Jackson, 12, Essex-Street, Strand.

PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause, intituled Leslie against Morley, the Creditors of John Cumberlege, late of Bologne, in the Kingdom of France, and formerly Commander of the Charlton East Indiaman (who died in the month of September 1834), are, by their Solicitors, forthwith to come in and prove their debts before William Wingfield, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said Decree.

NOTICE is hereby given, that by certain indentures of lease release and assignment, bearing date respectively the 4th and 5th days of January 1836, John Bacon, of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster, Draper, hath conveyed and; assigned all his estate and effects unto Isaac Lawrence, of Watling-Street, in the City of London, Warehouseman, and William Grant, of Cheapside, in the said City, Warehouseman, for the benefit of all the Creditors of the said John Bacon; and that the said indenture of release and assignment was duly executed by the said John Bacon on the 5th day of January 1836, and his execution thereof was, on the same day, attested by John Ambrose, of Manningtree, in the County of Essex, Solicitor, aud by John Thomas Ambrose, of the same place, Solicitor.

NOTICE is hereby given, that by indenture, dated the 28th day of December 1835, made between William Bown, of Stow on the Wold, in the County of Gloucester, Innkeeper, of the first part; Robert Young, of Tewkesbury, in the same County, Wine-Merchant, of the second part; and the several other persons whose names are subscribed and seals affixed to the second schedule thereto, respectively Creditors of the said William Bown, of the third part; the said William Bown Imth assigned all bis personal estate to the said Robert Young, intrust, for the several persons, Creditors of the said William Bown, whose names are mentioned in the first schedule to the same indenture, in proportion to their respective debts; which indenture was executed on the 4th day of January instant by the said William Bown, and is attested, as to his execution thereof, by John North Wilkins, of Bourton on the Water, in the County of Gloucester, Solicitor, and Richard Wells Hall, his Clerk; and the same indenture was,on the 7th day of January instant; executed by the said Robert Young, and is attested, as to his execution thereof, by George-Edmunds Williams, of Tewkesbury aforesaid, Solicitor.—Dated the 9th day of January 1836.

NOTICE is hereby given, that by indentures of lease and release and assignment, bearing date respectively the 27th and 28th days of December 1835, George Waghorn, of Ticehurst, in the County of Sussex, Carpenter, hath conveyed and assigned all his estate and effects whatsoever, both real and personal, to James Wooden Martyr, of High-Street, Southward, in the County of Surrey, Ironmonger, Charles Pilcher, of Rye, in the said County of Sussex, Timber-Merchant, and John Ditch, of Ticehurst aforesaid, Farmer, upon trust, for the benefit of all the Creditors of the said George Waghorn; and that the said indentures of lease and release and assignment were executed by the said George Waghorn on the said 28th day of December; and that the said indenture of release and assignment was executed by the said James Wooden Martyr and Charles Pilcher on the same 28th day of December, and by the said John Ditch, on the 2d day of January 1836; and which execution of the same.several deeds by all the said several parties was attested by John Cavnell, of Tonbridge, in the County of Kent, Solicitor, at whose Office the trust deed now lies for the inspection and signature of the Creditors of the said George Waghorn.—Tonbridge, January 6,1836.

In the Affairs of Mr. William Beaumont.

NOTICE is hereby given, that William Beaumont, ofRamsey, in the County of Huntingdon, Millwright, hath by indenture, bearing date the 19th day of November 1835, assigned all his debts, personal estate, and effects unto Overall Ibberson, of Ramsey aforesaid, Merchant, and John Bateman, of Ramsey aforesaid, Baker, upon trust, for the equal benefit of themselves and such of the Creditors of the said William Beaumont as shall execute such assignment; and notice is hereby also given, that the said indenture is deposited at the Office of John Serjeant, of Ramsey aforesaid, Attorney at Law, for the inspection and signature of the Creditors of the said William Beaumont; and that such of them as shall neglect or refuse to execute the same within two calendar months from the date thereof will be excluded from all benefit arising therefrom; and all persons indebted to the said William Beaumont are desired to pay the amount of their respective debts to the said Assignees, or to the said John Seijeant, without delay.

By order,
JOHN SERJEANT, Solicitor to the Assignees Ramsey, 19th November 1835.

THE Creditors who have proved their debts nnder a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against Thomas Chantler, late of Hartford, in the County of Chester,