Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/56

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and Corinthians; but afterwards kill'd him when he affected the Tyranny, preferring his Duty to his Country to all the Obligations of Blood.

Pag. 19. ver. 3.——He whom Athens did expel,
In all things just, but when he sign'd the Shell.

Aristides, who for his great Integrity was distinguish'd by the Appellation of the Just. When his Countrymen would have banish'd him by the Ostracism, where it was the Custom for every Man to sign the Name of the Person he voted to Exile in an Oyster-Shell; a Peasant, who could not write, came to Aristides to do it for him, who readily sign'd his own Name. Vide Plutarch. See the same Author of Phocion, Agis, &c.

Pag. 19. ver. 9. But in the Center of the hallow'd Quire, &c.

In the midst of the Temple, nearest the Throne of Fame, are plac'd the greatest Names in Learning of all Antiquity. These are describ'd in such Attitudes as express their different Characters. The Columns on which they are rais'd are adorn'd with Sculptures, taken from the most striking Subjects of their Works; which are so executed, as that the Sculpture bears a Resemblance in its Manner and Character, to the Manner and Character of their Writings.
