Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/57

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Pag. 21. ver. 13. Four Swans sustain, &c.

Pindar being seated in a Chariot, alludes to the Chariot-races he celebrated in the Grecian Games. The Swans are the Emblems of the Ode, as their soaring Posture intimates the Sublimity and Activity of his Genius. Neptune presided over the Isthmian, and Jupiter over the Olympian Games.

Pag. 22. ver. 13. Pleas'd with Alcæus Manly Rage t' infuse
The softer Spirit of the Sapphick Muse.

This expresses the mixt Character of the Odes of Horace. The second of these Verses alludes to that Line of his:

Spiritum Graiæ tenuem Camoenæ.

As another which follows, to that,

Exegi Monumentum ære perennius.

The Action of the Doves hints at a Passage in the 4th Ode of his third Book.

Me fabulosæ Vulture in Appulo,
Altricis extra limen Apuliæ,
Ludo fatigatumque somno,
Fronde nova puerum Palumbes
Texêre; mirum quod foret omnibus—
Ut tuto ab atris corpore viperis
Dormirem & ursis: ut permerer sacra
