Page:The brown fairy book.djvu/17

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[These illustrations are reproduced in full color following page 74.]

‘You will have to make me your Wife, said the Elf Maiden (p. 198) Frontispiece
Prince Almas Transformed to face p. 20
The Punishment of the Rose ,, 36
Habogi’s Horses ,,128
‘Listen, listen!’ said the Mermaid to the Prince ,,178
The Princess and the Snake ,,238
Rübezahl and the Princess ,,290
The Dragon and the Mirror ,,346


The Deer eludes Prince Tahmāsp ,,  2
Mihr-afrūz and Prince Tahmāsp ,,  8
The Shadow in the Stream ,, 14
Chil-māq carries off Almas ,, 28
The Death of the Bad One ,, 54
The Witch outstrips the Wolf ,, 60
‘Wake up, my Grandson, it is time to go home? ,, 64