Page:The brown fairy book.djvu/18

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The Bunyip ,, 72
The Yara Defeated ,, 94
The Little Hare is Caught ,,100
The Turtle Outwitted ,,110
Geirald claims his Reward and the Queendemands another Test ,,120
The Jealous Sisters spell-bound in the Ashpit ,,130
The Mermaid asks for the King’s Child ,,166
The Princess on the Seashore ,,172
The Bee, the Princess, the Red Knight, and the Lion ,,180
Pivi dives for the Shellfish ,,186
The Princess sees the Magic Head ,,210
The Golden Hen will not be Caught ,,218
Signy at the Window ,,278
The Gnome falls in love with the Princess ,,284
Wali Dad and the Peris ,,322


Prince Almas brings Game to the King Lion 27
The Dog and his Attendants 39
The Boy in the Witch’s Hut 49
The Magic Basket 79
The Wonderful Cock 83
The Holy Man gives the Bag to Father Grumbler 85
Julia sings her Song into the Shell 92
The Girl laughs at the Army of Turtles 108