Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/287

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provided in this act. And in all cases of goods manufactured or produced, in whole or in part upon commission, or where the material is furnished by one party and manufactured by another, if the manufacturer shall be required to pay under this act the tax hereby imposed, such person or persons so paying the same shall be entitled to collect the amount thereof of the owner or owners, and shall have a lien for the amount thus paid upon the produced or manufactured goods.

Articles to be forfeited for neglect to pay duty.

Sec. 84. And be it further enacted, That for neglect or refusal to pay the duties provided by law on manufactured articles, or articles produced, as aforesaid, the goods, wares, and merchandise manufactured or produced and unsold by, or not passed out of the possession of, such manufacturer or producer, shall be forfeited to the United States, and may be sold or disposed of for the benefit of the same, in manner as shall be prescribed by the commissioner of internal revenue, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Collector to take possessionIn such case the collector or deputy collector may take possession of said articles, and may maintain such possession in the premises and buildings where they may have been manufactured, or deposited, or may be. Subsequent proceedings.He shall summon, giving notice of not less than two, nor more than ten, days, the parties in possession of said goods, enjoining them to appear before the assessor or assistant assessor, at a day and hour in such summons fixed, then and there to show cause,Summons. if any there be, why, for such neglect or refusal, such articles should not be declared forfeited to the United States. The manufacturers or producers thereof shall be deemed to be the parties interested, if the articles shall be, at the time of taking such possession, upon the premises where manufactured or produced; if they shall at such time have been removed from the place of manufacture or production, the parties interested shall be deemed to be the persons or parties in whose custody or possession the articles shall be found. Such summons shall be served upon such parties in person,Service. or by leaving a copy thereof at the place of abode or business of the party to whom the same may be directed. In case no such party or place can be found, which fact shall be determined by the collector's return on the summons, such notice, in the nature of a summons, shall be given by advertisement for the term of three weeks in one newspaper in the county nearest to the place of such sale. If at or before such hearing such duties shall not have been paid, and the assessor or assistant assessor shall adjudge the summons and notice, service and return of the same to be sufficient,Articles when to be declared forfeit. the said articles shall be by him declared forfeit, and shall be sold, disposed of, or turned over by the collector to the use of any department of the government as may be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, who may require of any officer of the government, into whose possession the same may be turned over, the proper voucher therefor; and the proceeds of sale of said articles, if any there be after deducting the duties and additions thereon, together with the fees, costs, and expenses of all proceedings incident to the seizure and sale, to be determined by said commissioner, shall be refunded and paid to the owner, or, if he cannot be found, to the manufacturer or producer in whose custody the articles were when seized, as the said commissioner may deem just, by draft on the same, or some other collector; or if the said articles are turned over without sale to the use of any department of the government, the excess of the value of said articles, after deducting the amount of the duties, additions, fees, costs, and expenses accrued thereon when turned over as aforesaid, shall be refunded and paid by the said department to the owner, or, if he cannot be found, to the manufacturer or producer in whose custody or possession the said articles were when seized as aforesaid. The commissioner of internal revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of [the] Treasury,Secretary may review decision. may review any such case of forfeiture, and do justice in the premises. If the forfeiture shall have been wrongly declared, and sale made, the Secretary is hereby authorized, in case the specific articles cannot be restored to the