Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/288

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party aggrieved in as good order and condition as when seized, to make up to such party in money his loss and damage from the contingent fund of his department. Immediate notice of any seizure of manufactured articles or products shall be given to the commissioner of internal revenue by the collector or deputy collector, who shall also make return of his proceedings to the said commissioner after he shall have sold or otherwise disposed of the articles or products so forfeited; and the assessor or assistant assessor shall also make return of his proceedings relating to such forfeiture to the said commissioner. Causes for seizure and forfeiture.And any violation of, or refusal to comply with, the provisions of the eighty-first [eighty-second] section of this act, shall be good cause for seizure and forfeiture, substantially in manner as detailed in this section;Post, p. 473. but before forfeiture shall be declared by virtue of the provisions of this section, the amount of duties which may be due from the person whose manufactures or products are seized, shall first be ascertained in the manner prescribed in the eighty-fourth [eighty-fifth] section of this act; and such violation or refusal to comply shall further make any party so violating, or refusing to comply, liable to a fine or penalty of five hundred dollars, to be recovered in manner and form as provided in this act. Articles which the collector may adjudge perishable may be sold or disposed ofSale of perishable articles. before declaration of forfeiture. Said sales shall be made at public auction, and notice thereof shall be given as the said commissioner shall prescribe.

Amount, &c., of manufactures to be estimated. Sec. 85. And be it further enacted, That in case of the manufacture and sale, or production and sale, consumption, or delivery of any goods, wares, merchandise, or articles as hereinafter mentioned, without compliance on the part of the party manufacturing or producing the same with all the requirements and regulations prescribed by law in relation thereto, the assistant assessor may, upon such information as he may have, assume and estimate the amount and value of such manufactures or products, and upon such assumed amount assess the duties, and add thereto fifty per centum; and said duties shall be collected in like manner as in case the provisions of this act in relation thereto had been complied with, and to such articles all the foregoing provisions for liens, fines, penalties, and forfeitures, shall in like manner apply.

Manufacturers, &c., to render account of sales.

Sec. 86. And be it further enacted, That any person, firm, company, or corporation, manufacturing or producing goods, wares, and merchandise, sold or removed for consumption or use, upon which duties or taxes are imposed by law, shall, in their return of the value and quantity, render an account of the full amount of actual sales made by the manufacturer, producer, or agent thereof, and shall state in a separate column the items and account of the deductions, if any, claimed; whether any part, and if so, what part, of said goods, wares, and merchandise has been consumed or used by the owner, owners, or agent, or used for the production of another manufacture or product, together with the market value of the same at the time of such use or consumption; whether such goods, wares, and merchandise were shipped for a foreign port, or consigned to auction or commissioned merchants, other than agents, for sale; and shall make a return, according to the value at the place of shipment, when shipped for a foreign port, or according to the value at the place of manufacture or production, when removed for use or consumption, or consigned to others than agents of the manufacturer or producer. The value and quantity of the goods, wares, and merchandise required to be stated as aforesaid, shall be estimated by the actual sales made by the manufacturer, or by his, her, or their agent, or person or persons acting in his, her, or their behalf. And where such goods, wares, and merchandise have been removed for consumption or for delivery to others, or placed on shipboard, or are no longer within the custody or control of the manufacturer or his agent, not being in his factory, store, or warehouse, the value shall be estimated at the average of the market value of the like goods, wares, and merchandise, at