Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/299

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unless the same shall be removed to a bonded warehouse for exportation, shall be stamped by the inspector with stamps to be provided by the commissioner of internal revenue, denoting the tax thereon, and so affixed that the bundle or box cannot be opened without effacing or destroying said stamp. And any bundle, box, or package of cigars which shall be sold, or pass out of the hands of the manufacturer, except into a bonded warehouse, without such stamps so affixed by an inspector,Cigars sold without stamps to be forfeited. shall be forfeited, and may be seized wherever found, and sold, one half of the proceeds of such sale to be paid to the informer and the other to the United States. And every person, before making any cigars after the passage of this act, shall apply for and procure from the assistant assessor of the district in which he or she resides,Makers to obtain permit. a permit authorizing such person to carry on the trade of cigar-making, for which permit he or she shall pay said assistant assessor the sum of twenty-five cents.Post, p. 478. And every person employed, or working at the business of cigar-making in any other district than that in which he or she is a resident, shall, before making any cigars in such other district, present said permit to the assistant assessor of the district where so employed or working, and procure the indorsement of said assistant assessor thereon, authorizing said business in said district, for which indorsement the assistant assessor shall be entitled to receive from the applicant the sum of ten cents. And it shall be the duty of every assistant assessor, upon application of any person residing in his district, to furnish a permit, or to indorse upon the permit of the applicant, if resident in another district, authority to pursue the trade of cigar-making within the proper district of such assistant assessor; and said assistant assessor shall keep a record of all permits granted, or indorsed by him, showing the date of each permit, the name, residence, and place of employment of the party named therein, the name and district of the officer who originally granted the same, or who may have made any subsequent indorsements thereon, and the name or names of the party or parties by whom the person named in such permit is employed, or, if working for himself or herself, stating such fact; and every person making cigars shall keep an accurate accountMonthly account. of all the cigars made by him or her, for whom, and their kind or quality; and, if made for any other person, shall state in said account the name of the person or persons for whom the same were made, and his or their place of business, and shall, on the first Monday of every month, deliver to the assistant assessor of the district, if required by him, a copy of such account, verified by oath or affirmation that the same is true and correct. And if any person shall make any cigars without procuring such permit, or the proper indorsement thereon, he or she shall be punished by a fine of five dollars for each day he or she shall so offend, or by imprisonment for such time as the court may order for each day's offence, not exceeding thirty days in the whole upon any one conviction. And if any person making cigars shall fail to make the return herein required,Penalty for making without permit, &c. or shall make a false return, he or she shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. And if any person, firm, company, or corporation shall employ or procure any person to make any cigars, who has not the permit or the indorsement thereon required by this act, he, she, or they shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars for each day he, she, or they shall so employ such person, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days. And if any person shall be found making cigars without such permit, or the indorsement thereon, the collector of the district may seize any cigars, or tobacco for making cigars, which may be found in possession of such person, and the same shall be forfeited to the United States and sold; and one half of the proceeds paid to the United States, one fourth to the informer, and the other fourth to the collector making the seizure.


On bullion in lump, ingot, bar, or otherwise, a duty of one half of one