Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/300

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per centum ad valorem, to be paid by the assayer of the same, who shall stamp the product of the assay as the commissioner of internal revenue, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, may prescribe by general regulations. AndSales, &c., of gold, &c., not stamped, to be unlawful. every and all sales, transfers, exchanges, transportation, and exportation of gold or silver assayed at any mint of the United States, or by any private assayer, unless stamped as prescribed by general regulations, as aforesaid, is hereby declared unlawful; and every person or corporation who shall sell, transfer, transport, exchange, export, or deal in the same, shall be subject to a penalty of one thousand dollars for each offence, and to a fine not exceeding that sum, and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years nor less than six months. No jeweler, worker, or artificer in gold and silver, shall use either of those metals except it shall have first been stamped as aforesaid, as required by this act; and every violation of this section shall subject the offender to the penalties contained herein. No person or corporation shall take, transport, or cause to be transported, export, or cause to be exported from the United States any gold or silver in its natural state, uncoined or unassayed, and unstamped, as aforesaid; and for every violation of this provision every offender shall be subject to the penalties contained herein: Provided, That the foregoing subdivision of this section providing for a tax on gold and silver shall only be in forceWhen this part of act takes effect. from and after sixty days after the passage of this act.

Duty on articles increased in value by polishing, &c. Sec. 95. And be it further enacted, That whenever any manufactured articles, goods, wares, or merchandise on which an excise or impost duty has been paid, and which are not specially provided for, are increased in value by being polished, painted, varnished, waxed, oiled, gilded, electrotyped, galvanized, plated, framed, ground, pressed, colored, dyed, trimmed, ornamented, or otherwise more completely finished or fitted for use or sale, without changing the original character or purposes for which the same are intended to be used, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a tax of five per centum ad valorem upon the amount of such increased value, to be ascertained by deducting from the value of the finished article when sold, or removed for sale, delivery, or consumption, the cost or value of the original article to the person, firm, or company liable to the duty imposed upon the increased value thereof. The increasing of values in the manner aforesaid shall be deemed manufacturing, and any person, firm, company, or corporation engaged therein shall be liable to all the provisions of law for the collection of internal duties relating to manufacturers, as to licenses, returns, payment of taxes, liens, fines, penalties, and forfeitures.

Exempt from duty.

Sec. 96. And be it further enacted, That newspapers, boards, shingles, laths, and other lumber, staves, hoops, shooks, headings, and timber partially wrought and unfinished for chairs, tubs, pails, hubs, spokes, felloes, snaths, lasts, shovel and fork handles, matchwood, umbrella stretchers, alcohol made or manufactured of spirits or materials upon which the duties imposed by law shall have been paid, bone dust, plaster or gypsum, malt, burning fluid, printers' ink, flax prepared for textile or felting purposes until actually woven, marble and slate, or other building-stones in block, rough and unwrought, charcoal, coke, all flour and meal made from grain, bread and breadstuffs, butter, cheese,Post, p. 478. concentrated milk, paraffine, whale and fish oil, value of the bullion used in the manufacture of silver ware, silver bullion rolled or prepared for platers' use exclusively, materials prepared for the manufacture of hoop-skirts exclusively and unfit for other use, (such as cut tapes and small wares for joining hoops together,) shall be, and hereby are, exempt from duty. AndPost, p. 478. also all goods, wares, and merchandise, and articles made or manufactured from materials which have been subject to, and upon which internal duties have been actually paid, or materials imported upon which duties have been paid, or upon which no duties have been imposed by law, where the increased value of such goods, wares, or merchandise, and articles so made or manufactured, shall