Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/33

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8 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 3. 1877. seph StaiI'ord’s ad ministratrix, one hundred and seventy-five dollars and eighty cents; W. W. Wood’s administratrix, one hundred and fifty-two dollar and seventy cents; C. F. Sampson and others, twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and eight dollars and seventy-tive cents ;_ J. C. Chance, two hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty cents; in all, six hundred and eighty-tive thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight dollars and eighty-eight cents; also, to Christian Kinsinger, one thousand five hundred dollars; Lewis Deutsch, for the use of Charles Wolf one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; Joseph Smith, Eve thousand dollars; James W. Mears, seventy-five dollars and fifty-two cents; in all, seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty-two cents, with interest, at the rate of five per centum, upon said last four amounts, from dates of presentation for payment until paid, for which the sum of five hundred and seventy dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary therefor, is hereby also appropriated. To pay judgment rendered in favor of Thomas W. Kelly, May fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, two hundred and twenty-five dollars. To pay judgment rendered in favor of Philemon B. Hawkins, February twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, fifteen hundred and sixty-six dollars and ninety five cents. To pay judgment rendered in favor of Elijah S. Alvord, November twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, thirty-five thousand and one hundred dollars. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Printing. Pnmrmo AND BINDING, Lmnnnr or Conennss.-For binding the arrears of books, newspapers, and other periodicals belonging to the 1878. ¤h· 359. Library of Congress, and for printing the new general catalogue, being P"“·2°7· a deiiciency for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, twenty thousand dollars. Indexing. For indexing laws, documents, and debates of Congress, being a dedeiency for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, two thousand eight hundred dollars. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Fue1,1sg1m, and Four., Lienr, AND Wnnn ron Punmo BUILDINGS.-—FOI‘ fuel, light, "“*°"· water, and miscellaneous items required by the janitors and iiremen in the proper care of the buildings, furniture, and heating apparatus, such as brooms, mops, brushes, buckets, wheelbarrows, shovels, saws, hatchets, and hammers, for all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, being a deficiency for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, seventy-five thousand dollars. T e rn p o r n r y Snnanms, Tnnromuzt Cnmnxs, Tamsunr DEPARTMENT.-For °1°*k¤· temporary clerks for the Treasury Department, being a deiiciency for the nscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, eight thousand dollars. AgentsinA1aska. SALARIES AND TRAVELING EXPENSES OF AGENTS AT SEALFISH- Earns IN ALAsKA.—For one agent, at three thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum ; one assistant agent, at two thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars per annum ; and for necessary traveling ex- _penses of agents in going to and returning from Alaska, at six hundred dollars each per annum; in all, seven thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars; being a deficiency for the nscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight. Propagation of For continuing the operations, under the direction of the United fwd-¤¤h¤¤· States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, connected with the propagation and distribution of shad and other useful food-fishes, during the present fiscal year, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars, to be immediately available. Cumvagion of For adapting the ponds in Monument lot in the city of Washington MPP- to the culture of carp for distribution throughout the United States vu ojlotjor. (the use of which lot for the purpose in question being hereby granted _ to the United States Fish Commission), the work to be done by the engineer in charge of public buildings and grounds, according to the plans