Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/423

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398 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 182. 1879. UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. MISCELLANEOUS. Dofcmliiig suits, Defending suits and claims for seizure of captured or abandoned prop- °t°· erty: For payment of the necessary expenses incurred in defending suits against the Secretary of the Treasury or his agents for the seizure of captured or abandoned property, and for the examination of witnesses in claims against the United States pending in any department, and for the defense of the United States in the Court of Claims, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, twenty five thousand dollars. C o 1 1 e e t i ii g Prosecution and collection of claims: For expenses to be incurred in °l¤lm¤· the prosecution and collection of claims due to the United States, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, two thousand five hundred dollars. Violation of in- Punishing violations of intercourse acts and frauds: For detecting °°l“”S€ ¤·<>Y¤· and punishing violations of the intercourse acts of Congress and frauds committed in the Indian service, the same to be expended by the Attorney General in allowing such tees and compensation of witnesses, jurors, and marshals, and in defraying such other expenses as may be necessary for this purpose, three thousand dollars. Presccuting Prosecution of crimes: For detection and prosecution of crimes °““‘°’*· against the United States; investigation of official acts, records, and accounts, to be disbursed under the direction of the Attorney General, twenty thousand dollars. Opinions of At- To enable the Attorney General to pay for the editing and preparing

  • °'¤°Y*’ G°”°ml· for publication and the superintending of the printing of the fifteenth

volume of the Opinions of the Attorneys General, including the expense of copying the same, one thousand dollars. JUDICIAL. UNITED STATES COURTS. Support of con- Support of convicts: For support and maintenance of convicts trans- VMS- ferred from the District of Columbia, for support of convicts transferred from other districts (and for collection of criminal statistics), to be disbursed under the direction of the Attorney General, fifteen thousand _ dollars. Courts in Utah, Expenses of Territorial courts in Utah: For defraying the contingent · expenses of the courts, including compensation of the United States district attorney, and the fees, per diem, and traveling expenses of the United States marshal in the Territory of Utah, with expenses of summoning jurors; subptenaing witnesses; of arresting, guarding, and transporting prisoners; of hiring and feeding guards; and of supply- ing and caring for the penitentiary, to be expended only under the direction and order of the Department of Justice, upon accounts duly How used. verified and certified, twenty thousand dollars. And this appropriation may be used, under the direction of the said department to defray the judicial expenses of the supreme and district courts of said Territory; ]ac;,,,1,.,,·m,,,;.,,;_ and the amount so used shall be reimbursed to said appropriation out of the treasury of said Territory: 1878, 359, That so much of the act " making appropriations for sundry civil ex-

 penses of the government for the hscal year, ending June thixtieth

` 1 ‘ eighteen hundred and seventy nine, and for other purposes ", approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy eight, as requires the authorities of the county of Madison or town of Jackson, Tennessee, to provide suitable buildings free of any expense to the United States, for holding the United States district and circuit courts, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. 1878, ch._269, That the second section of an act entitled "An Act to provide for the A"'*» WM holding of terms of the district and circuit courts of the United States