Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/267

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FIFTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 314. 1896. 237 , Examinations—Con- MASSACHUSETTS. *igg;;;mmm_ Salt Pond and Herring River, in Harwich. The approaches to the Cape Cod ship canal. Gurnet Rock and other rocks at mouth of Plymouth Harbor. Duxbury Beach, with view to protection of harbor. Duxbury Harbor, with view to widening and deepening improvement. MICHIGAN. Michigan. Raisin River, in Monroe County, from mouth to Government Canal to the wharves. Huron River, from mouth to the point of crossing by the Michigan Central Railroad. MINNESOTA. Minnesota. Mille Lacs Lake, with a view to the construction of a dam at the outlet on section thirty-three, township thirty-three north, in range twenty- seven west, in Mille Lacs County, for the aid of navigation on the Mississippi River, the sameto be part of the general Upper Mississippi _ River reservoir system. Otter Tail Lake and Otter Tail River, with a view to the construction of a dam at the outlet of said lake, for the purpose of improving the navigation on the Red River of the North. Red Lake and Red Lake River, with a view to the construction of a dam with locks at the outlet of said lake, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Red River of the North and said Red Lake River. DIISSISSIPPI. Llississippi. Hornochitto River, from mouth to the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad. Coldwater River. Ship Island Pass, with view to obtaining a channel of twenty-six feet depth at low tide in said pass between the Gulf of Mexico and Ship Island Harbor, with a view of dredging a channel five hundred feet wide and twenty-five feet deep to connect Ship Island Harbor with a railroad pier at Gulf Port. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New Hampshire. Oyster River. NENV JERSEY. New Jersey. Oldmans Creek. . Dividing Creek. Y\`adin g River. Tuckerton Creek and Flats at mouth thereof. Beach Thoroughfare at and near the meeting of tides from Absecon and Egg Harbor Inlet. Barnegat Bay, between Mantoling and Bay Head. NEW YORK. New York. Channel connecting Flushing Bay and Newtown Creek. Catskill Creek. _ The Secretary of War is hereby directed to cause to be made accurate Lf,g§t§Q§;‘00(j;,f“‘ examinations and estimates of cost of construction of a ship canal by the most practicable route, wholly within the United States, from the Great Lakes to the navigable waters of the Hudson River, of sufficient capacity to transport the tonnage of the lakes to the sea. Mohawk River, between Rome and town of Schuyler. Nyack Harbor. Alexandria Bay. Black River to harbor at Dexter. Coney Island Creek.