Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/463

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 420. 1896. 433 the improvement of the Capitol grounds and for care of the grounds; one clerk, and the pay of mechanics, gardeners, and laborers, and for artificial stone pavement, twelve thousand dollars. LIGHTING THE CAPITOL: For lighting the Capitol, including the Ll·‘¥l‘“i”$· Capitol grounds, the Botanic Garden, Senate and House stables, Maltby Building, and folding and storage rooms of the House of Representatives; for gas and electric lighting; pay of superintendent of meters, lamplighters, gas fitters, and for materials and labor for gas and electric lighting, and for general repairs, twenty-four thousand dollars. Fon THE ExTENs1oN or THE ELECTRIC·LIGHT PLANTS IN THE CAP· ,u]{¤¤¤gi·¤ ¤=¤_;¤-<>·-r 1ToL AND T0 THE GROUNDS ABOUT THE CA1>1ToL: For additional“° gm"' ”' engine and generator, running of conduits, wiring, lamps and fixtures, steam pipe and fitting, cables for feeder system, and for the pay of electricians, wire men, and laborers, said work to be done by the Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the Senate Committee on Rules, in accordance with the plan adopted by said committee, forty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. VENTILATION, SENATE WING OF THE CAPITOL: For the improve- Y¤¤¢¤¤¤i¤¤. S¤¤=¢¤ ment of the ventilation of the Senate wing of the Capitol, including wm; the installation of refrigerating apparatus, in accordance with the plans submitted by Professor S. H. Woodbridge to the Committee on Rules, United States Senate, said work to be done by the Architect of the Capitol under the supervision of said Woodbridge and the direction of the Senate Committee on Rules, fiftyfive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. EXPENSES OF THE COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM SALES OF PUBLIC Public 1¤¤<1s- LANDS. SALARIES AND COMMISSIONS OF REGISTERS AND RECEIVERS: For m§1¤;*;§_ji¤{;9r`¤‘¤2i~***¤ salaries and commissions of registers of land offices and receivers of I " public moneys at district land offices, at not exceeding three thousand dollars each, four hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF LAND OFFICES: For clerk hire, rent, and ,£1‘j{’f)g{~fj;‘**KP*‘“¤°*- other incidental expenses of the district land offices, one hundred and ` fifty thousand dollars. EXPENSES OF DEPOSITING PUBLIC MONEYS: For expenses of depos- D°’P°*‘“*“¥ "’°“°>`*- iting money received from the disposal of public lands, two thousand ive hundred dollars. _ DEPBEDATIONS ON PUBLIC TIMBER, PROTEOTING PUBLIC LANDS, til;:";j]_a};_t£•j}·§y::{:; ANDY SETTLEMENT OF (YLATMS FOR SWAl\II’ LANDS AND SVVAMP-LAND lic lands. und Swamp INDEMNITY: To meet the expenses of protecting timber on the public ’“"“ °""“"‘· lands and for the more efficient execution of the law and rules relating to the cutting thereof; of protecting public lands from illegal and fraudulent entry or appropriation, and of adjusting claims for swamp lands, and indemnity for swamp lands, ninety thousand dollars: Pro- __r_H_m_ vided, That agents and others employed under this appropriation shall ° P ' be allowed per diem, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the lnterior may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each and actual necessary expenses for transportation: _ _ Exrnnsns or HEARINGS IN LAND ENTRIES: For expenses of hear- tr§j“"“g“""““" "“‘ ings held by order of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, to determine whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with law, ten thousand dollars. _ R»EPR()l)(FCING PLATS OF SURVEYS: To enable the Commissioner of 0,*Qfg‘§‘;‘§§F‘“g *"“’“ the General Land Office to continue to reproduce worn and defaced ` official plats of surveys on file and other plats constituting a part of the records of said office, and to furnish local land offices with the same, ten thousand dollars. _ _ TRANSCRIPTS UF RECORDS AND PLATS: For furnishing transcripts m§Qf,'§f°“*"“ *"’“ of records and plats, five thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. STAT L--VOL 29-28